Some of Our Top Achievements

White Noise Wednesdays (WNW)

We revived the White Noise Wednesday tradition by reaching out to the talented musicians of our school who we knew would appreciate the opportunity to perform live. We then opened the stage up to anyone who wanted to have a go and perform, and encouraged several people to work up the courage to do so.

Matariki Poster Competition 

In June, we celebrated Matariki with a poster competition. We allowed students to use any art medium, be that digital, paint, or sketching, to develop a poster that represented the  Matariki celebration. We had several entries, and the winner of the competition won $25 worth of stationary. This was a great way to incorporate creativity and culture.

Spirit Week Contributions

We did two main activities during the RSHS spirit week: jump jam and henna. We utilised the nostalgia from our childhoods spent doing jump jam, and encouraged others to show their school spirit by coming along and having fun. Our henna project was a huge success with many people getting henna from both schools and is something we will definitely carry on next year.