
ARTs           COUNCIL



HIGH           SCHOOL


The Arts Council is a team of individuals who show a passion for the arts and wish to create a culture that is inclusive, intuitive and interactive. Art houses many abilities within its umbrella so we naturally encourage a range of talents to join the crew and strengthen the creative community within our school. We promise you a platform from which you may contribute your ideas to a team that will listen and help make it happen. We have the responsibility to spread music, dance, literature and theatre as well as visual forms of arts like painting, sculpture, architecture, etc, to Rototuna High Schools and it is your job, as a member of the Arts Council, to think of ways to meet this responsibility.

If this sounds like something you would been keen on getting into, come join us in 2024!


                    Ex pRES SION sss.




When I joined the arts council I couldn’t imagine there’d be so many kind members with unique, innovative ideas. Even while only joining in the second semester, all the members gave me and Jannat many opportunities to share our thoughts and ideas. For me, it’s been a really fun year with all that we’ve planned, from white noise to hosting Jump Jam in the theatre, and even the cultural Mehndi :)

Although I wasn’t a part of the council for the entire year, I was welcomed the moment I joined and was given the opportunity to contribute to our school culture through the arts. This has been an amazing space to grow alongside some amazing individuals who put their best interests for the school first. 

I have enjoyed working with fellow students and having a say in what we do. It is nice to know I can impact the culture and atmosphere of our school. I liked when we had the first white noise Wednesday, it was a really nice vibe and I hope we can make this a tradition in our school.

Being a part of the arts council this year has been an amazing opportunity, and has helped me learn to collaborate with a group, run projects, and step out of my comfort zone by performing at White noise wednesday. 

  Our Top Achievements 

Matariki Poster Competition 

In June, we celebrated Matariki with a poster competition. We allowed students to use any art medium, be that digital, paint, or sketching, to develop a poster that represented the  Matariki celebration. We had several entries, and the winner of the competition won $25 worth of stationary. This was a great way to incorporate creativity and culture.

White Noise Wednesdays (WNW)

We revived the White Noise Wednesday tradition by reaching out to the talented musicians of our school who we knew would appreciate the opportunity to perform live. We then opened the stage up to anyone who wanted to have a go and perform, and encouraged several people to work up the courage to do so.

Spirit Week Contributions

We did two main activities during the RSHS spirit week: jump jam and henna. We utilised the nostalgia from our childhoods spent doing jump jam, and encouraged others to show their school spirit by coming along and having fun. Our henna project was a huge success with many people getting henna from both schools and is something we will definitely carry on next year.