How to Join

The Nitty Gritty

All URI Outing Club events are drug and alcohol-free. Members who fail to comply will be disciplined properly. 

How to join

Come to a meeting, sign up for an outing, or join our mailing list. We have a very relaxed membership policy. Join us for one outing or twenty, we'd love to have you! 

Mailing List Sign Up Form 


Mondays | 5pm | Quinn Aud. (122)


We require all members to pay semesterly dues of $25. All day trips are free (unless otherwise noted) and overnights have a small cost associated with them to pay for food, transportation, lodging, and any permits we may need. Members will be required to pay dues before attending an overnight trip if they have not already.

Financial Assistance

We understand that costs can be a barrier to outdoor access for many. The Outing Club will work with members to ensure that everyone can participate in the outings regardless of cost. If cost is an issue please talk to an e-board member and we will work it out. 

What if I can't make a scheduled meeting?

No worries! We understand that life can get busy and circumstances arise without warning. We always send out our slideshows after the meeting including any pertinent information.

I don't have access to a car, can I still come?

Yes, absolutely! E-board organizes carpools for every outing so lack of transportation is not a barrier to the outdoors. We do ask members with access to a car to volunteer for carpools to ensure that we can get people outdoors and off campus. 

What if I don't have the gear needed?

 We will provide the gear needed free of charge when you attend a trip we sponsor. Otherwise, Outing Club has gear available to rent for a small fee when members go on trips not sponsored by Outing Club.