Fyle Elementary

Welcome to Fyle Elementary's Remote Learning Site!

Hello Fyle Families!

We have created a site for you and all our Fyle cubs to have a "One Stop Shop" for home learning opportunities and school-wide announcements. This is a new experience for all of us and we look forward to navigating the challenges together. Most importantly, please keep your families safe and healthy. The home page will include announcements, school-wide information, and some fun videos, etc... Each grade level page will provide links to your child's Google Classroom. We will also have a link for tutorials of how to use Google Classroom and the other Google applications. If you have any questions, feel free to email me (mmooney@rhnet.org).

Stay Well,
Mrs. Mooney



Keep those skills fresh and prevent the “summer slide” by visiting your teacher's google classroom or grade level classroom. Here are the grade level links to access engaging and meaningful activities this summer. Click on the link of the 2019-20 grade level.

Kindergarten: Code: vfs442nFirst Grade: No code needed2nd Grade Code: ozhprlh3rd Grade Code: 2yidssv


Supt. Wright sent out an Enews last week updating the community on where RH is at in the planning process. Here is a link to his enews. His enews also has a link to the NYS reopening guidance document.

R-H Free Meals Program Offers New Site at Fyle

We have exciting news for Fyle families! All children under the age of 18 are able to receive a free breakfast and lunch in the Fyle parking lot from 9 to 11 a.m. weekdays. Just pull up and the meal(s) are delivered right to your car. Swing by, grab some food, and wave hello to me! (I will be in my office on Wednesdays.) For more information, visit this link.


To better inform parents of elementary students about what their children are expected to know and be able to do in each grade level, the R-H Office of Instruction has developed informational booklets and brochures. Please feel free to download, read, and print these documents as you are working with your children at home. These are especially helpful as your children research and experiment in the content areas of Social Studies and Science.

Mrs. Mooney

Fyle Principal

Mrs. Warren

Fyle Building Secretary

Mrs. Duris

Fyle Office Clerk

Mrs. Dinsmore

Fyle Office Clerk


Be a Fyle Cub at home Boys and Girls!

Staff Appreciation Invite