2023 Ministry Leaders By-Election &
2023-2026 Trustee Nomination Guidelines

  1. Please nominate candidates according to the number of nominees in this form.

    • Ministry Head: overall planning & coordination of the ministry, consult with Pastoral team, communicate & cooperate with other Ministries in the Executive Board,

    • Vice Ministry Head: Assist and co-work with Ministry Head in carrying out all duties pertaining to the role of Ministry Head

    • Ministry Coordinator: plan, coordinate & execute ministry tasks.

    • Trustee: Responsible for legal functions, internal and external auditing

  2. Nominee qualification:

    • Church membership for at least 2 years for Ministry Head, Vice Ministry and Ministry Coordinator; at least 3 years for Trustee.

    • Actively involved in church ministries or preferably by being a core group member for at least two years. His/ her involvement in ministries has been well accepted.

    • Meets the qualifications of a servant-leader as set forth in the Bible—Romans 12.

    • Understands and fully supports the ministry philosophy of the church.

    • Spiritual maturity to conduct ministries and handle interpersonal issues based on Biblical principles and shown appreciation of team spirit.

    • For ministry head, vice ministry head, and trustee, if married, spouse must be a Christian.

    • All ministry heads/vice ministry heads/coordinators/trustees must follow biblical principles and select a Christian in a dating relationship while single.

    • Church pastors and their spouses, and paid staff cannot be nominated.

    • Age 18 or older (as of 1/1/2023).

    • Husband and wife cannot serve on the Trustee Board at the same time.

  3. Nominator qualifications:

    • Church member,

    • Regularly attending RHCBC Sunday service in the past three months,

    • Age 18 or older

  4. All nominees have to be nominated by at least three different people for the same position in order to be qualified for consideration.

  5. The AGM Planning Committee will produce a preliminary list of nominees for review by the Pastoral Team. Qualified nominees who have accepted the nomination will be included in the candidate list.

  6. Except otherwise specified, each church member can submit one name per position. All written forms must be signed to be valid. Electronic forms must be submitted by the nominator.

  7. Service term of Ministry Head, Vice Ministry Head, and Ministry Coordinator under this by-election starts from 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2023. Service term of Trustee Member starts from 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2026.

  8. Ministry head can serve a maximum of four consecutive years in the same position.

  9. Trustee Board member Louis Huang has served two consecutive terms (8 years) by the end of this year and cannot be re-nominated for the same position as trustee.

  10. Electing our leaders is an important event for our Church. Please seriously consider nominating suitable candidates to the positions as well as accepting nomination(s) to actively serve our church.

  11. Please drop off your signed nomination form into the nomination collection box at church, or submit your online nomination form on or before 09/18/2022 .

  12. For the latest church membership list, please refer to the church website [RHCBC.org/2022agm], church bulletin board or AGM nomination package.

2022 AGM Planning Committee

For this year election's positions that are open for nominations,
please see 2022 Current Ministry Leaders, Trustees & Deacons