Mrs. Stachowiak's
World History I and World History II
To Grade 9 Students and Parents:
World History I emphasizes the development of major ancient civilizations, including the first civilizations and the rise of empires, and patterns of development amongst the civilizations approximately Prehistory-1500 CE. Students will explore ancient, classical, and medieval history by focusing on the significant and recurrent historical themes of: Geography and Society, Belief Systems, Political Systems, Power and Authority, Change and Reform. Students will develop historical thinking and reasoning skills designed to prepare them for the 21st century learning environment including analyzing a variety of source documents and employing reasoning and analysis. Students in this academic level are expected to be organized, diligent workers with evenly balanced academic skills. Students must have a commitment to struggle through challenging material with only occasional instructional support provided by the teacher.
To Grade 10 Students and Parents:
World History II emphasizes the emergence of modern world patterns and the degree to which the world moves towards a global civilization from approximately 1500 CE through the present. Students will focus on significant historical events including new encounters in the age of exploration and their impact on all corners of the globe, the development of new technologies, the rise of imperialism, crisis, conflict, and resolution and the development of the early 21st century. Students will develop historical thinking and reasoning skills designed to prepare them for 21st century learning environments including but not limited to analyzing a variety of source documents and employing reasoning and analysis. Students at this level should be diligent workers and possess strong organizational skills. Academic independence is expected. An emphasis will be placed on helping and encouraging students as they persevere through challenging material
phone: (860)-228-9474 ext. 3928