विवेकख्यातिरविप्लवा हानोपायःIIPatanjali yogasutra 2.26

The unblemished and impeccable wisdom gained through continuous practice is the remedy for loss

If you are interested in joining our team then please contact us.

For consultancy projects, please contact PI.

Office Address

Dr. Deepak Dwivedi

Assistant Professor

Department of Chemical Engineering & Biochemical Engineering

(Academic Block-2, 5th Floor, Conference room)

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT)

(An Institute of National Importance)

(Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India)

Bahadurpur Mukhatia More,

Harbanshganj, Jais


Contact: +919691062352

Lab Address

Aacdemic Block-II (Fourth Floor)

Department of Chemical Engineering & Engineering Sciences

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT)

(Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas)

Bahadurpur Mukhatia More,

Harbanshganj, Jais
