
31 Nathan Path, El Jebel CO, 81623



[600 Southside Dr, Basalt, Co,81621]

Dear Mr. Huntsman,

Our Capstone project is going to be about Motherhood at a Young Age. Teen pregnancy is a topic that is not talked about and when it is talked about it is talked badly about. The purpose of this project is to take a look and educate people on the difficulty of motherhood at a young age. In order to do this, we will be going to Yampah Mountain High School and we will be speaking to some of the girls there. We will be interviewing some of the girls there. We will also be making a short documentary of the whole experience. Jaczelt and I have already made a go fund page. With the money that is donated, we will be giving it to the girls. It is important to educate people about teen pregnancy and its struggle. They have it hard especially in these hard times with Covid-19.

This topic is really important to us, as we have friends who have dealt with this topic. We have also realized how disrespectful and rude people can be when they hear of someone who is pregnant at a young age. We also have our parents as an example, my mom had me when she was 18 and luckily my dad stood around, but this doesn’t apply to everyone. Some girls lose everything. They lose their parent’s support and the father of the child will leave her to deal with everything alone. We’re really passionate about helping others. One thing I hate the most is when people are quick to judge without knowing anything. I see teen moms as Super Women not only because they have a baby but because they sometimes work and do school at the same time

During this project, we will learn many things. We will attempt to put ourselves in their shoes to fully understand their everyday struggles. This project will challenge us because we will need to make connections with the young mothers at Yamaha and with the Teen Parent Program director. Jazelt will be dedicated to speaking with the young mothers and I will be dedicated on learning about the Teen Parent Program and how it all has impacted the girls. I am a very open-minded person and I think this will help me understand their perspective better. It will also challenge me to put myself out there and in their shoes

The community expert we have in mind is Sally Kilton, she is the director of the Teen Parent Program, at Yampah Mountain high school. Her expertise is in TESOL and Social science. The goal of the Teen parent program is to help mothers become functional and self-sufficient while earning their high school diplomas. And also to help mothers with the needs of their children. She would be an excellent candidate to communicate with and educate us more about teen pregnancy. Some supplies we will need will be a tripod, microphones, phones and a computer to edit the documentary. We want people to be educated and understand more. We can’t wait to start this project and impact many lives through the process. :)`