Mr. Keith

Contact me any time with questions:

8th Grade Humanities

Stem Middle at Baldwin Road

MEd Literacy Curriculum and Instruction

Welcome to Mr. Keith's Humanities page!

Expect all work and google meet links to be posted on google classroom.

Video conferencing links will be posted in the Google Classroom page

Advisory- 8:30-9:10-

Writing Lab- B-Days Only-10:35-11:50-

Humanities Block 1- 9:15-10:30-

Humanities Block 3- 12:55-2:10-

Humanities Block 4- 2:15-3:30-

All About 8th Grade Humanities

8th Grade Humanities is a class that seamlessly blends the 8th grade language arts and social studies standards into one classroom experience. As a STEM school, Baldwin Road does its best to make sure that each class is project based and engaging. The goal for 8th grade Humanities is no exception. Students will be exploring real life problems related to society and culture and solving those problems with authentic projects that utilize 21st Century skills. In addition to viewing early American culture through the fields of culture and history, we will also be learning about psychology, sociology, anthropology, and a variety of other fields of study that inform us about the human experience. We believe that engaging relevant content and project-based learning are the keys to unlocking students true potential in the classroom, and in life. Please encourage your child to talk to you about their projects and their essential question in Humanities. I will always do my best to keep parents and students up to speed on class content, as well as test dates and project deadlines. Expect a bi-weekly letter from me, sent to your email inbox.

Classroom Expectations-

Whether we are learning from a webcam on the internet or in a physical classroom, students will be expected to observe the following classroom rules…

  1. Take time to think before you answer.

  2. Try! Make an honest effort at answering all posted questions and completing projects.

  3. Don’t plagiarize! You are forbidden from copying and pasting answers, unless you cite your source, and explain how your cited line relates to the question posed.

  4. Show respect to EVERYONE!

  5. Be on time. You must be available and active during scheduled virtual and physical class time.

Humanities Grading for 7th and 8th Grade-

60% Summative- Includes tests, papers, and projects

25% Short Cycle Quizzes

15% Participation/Classwork- Formative, Includes Daily Classroom Posts, Peer Editing and Peer Review

Regrades- Projects can be redone (if they were completed on time) by the end of the quarter- Tests and quizzes can be retaken but only upon completion of a formal request, conference and completion of review materials.

All important links can be found in the SMBR Portal to the left. Commonly used resources which can be found on the Portal include HMH Into Literature, Google Classroom, NewsELA, and the Outlook Web App.