Google Classroom will be the central hub that students use to access their work in science class. This includes weekly agendas, class announcements, daily assignments, and links to important resources. Students must use their Reynoldsburg school e-mail address to log in. There is not a parent page for Google Classroom. Parents are encouraged to review Google Classroom materials with their students when they are logged in. Parents can also connect their e-mail address to their student's account to receive a daily or weekly summary of their student's assignments. If you have never received these summaries before, please contact me with a preferred e-mail address so I can send you an invitation. Click here for more information about Google Classroom e-mail summaries.

Classwork/Homework: These are short learning tasks that provide practice and guide students toward understanding the standards we are learning. These assignments cannot be retaken or corrected and they count as 25% of a student's grade.

Quizzes/Labs: These are typically given in the middle of a unit of study after students have been given initial instruction. Students may request to redo or revise these assignments if they have taken steps to improve their mastery.

Tests/Projects/Papers: These are final assessments of standard mastery and are given at the end of a unit. These assignments will count as 50% of a student's grade. Students may request to redo or revise these assignments if they have taken steps to improve their mastery.

A - 90-100%

B - 80-89%

C - 70-79%

D - 60-69%

Failing - 59% or lower

Assignments turned in more than 3 days past the due date will not be accepted for any credit.

Feedback and raw scores are usually posted on Google Classroom but students and parents should rely on PowerSchool for checking final grades. I recommend that parents and guardians check their students grades in PowerSchool once per week to stay updated on how their students are doing in class.

Student Login:

  • Username: firstname.lastname

  • Password: student ID number (with 000 before)