Pre marital Counseling
Prepare/Enrich is a highly researched assessment tool that provides unique insights into marital and family relationships. While it is particularly beneficial for couples preparing for marriage, it also serves as a valuable resource for enhancing relationships over the long term. Couples can gain a clear picture of their relationship status, identify their strengths, and develop skills to foster greater understanding and love.
Which aspects of the relationship are evaluated?
Whether you're starting a new relationship or looking to reconnect after years of marriage, two primary Prepare/Enrich assessments are available:
Prepare and Enrich Standard
The Prepare and Enrich Standard assessment delves into 12 key areas of your relationship, offering a detailed look at satisfaction levels in aspects such as commitment, family systems, and dynamics. This thorough evaluation provides you and your partner with a clear understanding of your relationship's strengths and areas for growth.
Prepare and Enrich Checkup
The Prepare and Enrich Checkup assessment examines six specific relationship areas, including spiritual beliefs, personality traits, and family backgrounds. This focused assessment offers valuable insights into these crucial aspects of your partnership. Both assessments provide a comprehensive overview of your relationship, helping you identify strengths and areas for improvement.
By engaging in skill-building exercises based on your results, you can enhance your relationship satisfaction and develop effective strategies for overcoming challenges together.
Goals of Prepare/Enrich
Prepare/Enrich aims to provide couples with objective insights and tools to enhance their relationships. This evidence-based assessment offers a comprehensive overview of both partners, delivering valuable relationship skills.
For couples who are newly dating or recently engaged, the assessment offers personality insights and a deeper understanding of their developing relationship dynamics. It facilitates open discussions on sensitive topics, helping them build a healthy foundation for their future together.
For married couples, the assessment serves to deepen their connection and reignite their passion. As values and dynamics may evolve over time, this tool offers fresh perspectives on each partner, enabling them to support and love each other more effectively. It guides couples towards renewed understanding and continued relationship growth.