Youth Mental Health

Signs of Mental Health Disorders

Seeing the Signs of Emotional Dysregulation in Teens

Website with information on the signs to look for in teens that may show emotional dysregulation.

Emotional Dysregulation in Children and Teens

PsychCentral article about the signs and the effects on a child showing dysregulation.

What Are the Signs of a Mood Disorder in Teenagers

Signs, Symptoms, Risk factors, and tips for helping teens with a mood disorder.

Helping Your Child Cope with Stress

100 Coping Strategies

A list of coping strategies that children and adults can explore to see if they are able to take a "brain break" from their daily challenges.

First Aid Stress Tool

From the family room website, A tool with a step-by-step guide to help handle stressful situations.

8 Breathing Exercises to Try When You Feel Anxious

Various breathing techniques to provide options when experiencing anxiety symptoms.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

A progressive muscle relaxation guide with step-by-step instructions.

How the Body Holds Trauma & Stress- & How to Release It

Education on how Yoga helps the body when it has held in stress and tension for an extended period of time.


Differently Wired

A link to a book for parents to help guide them while raising an atypical child with confidence and hope.

Books for Parents to Understand a Child with ADHD

Website with a list of 10 books for parents with ADHD to help them understand their child.

Books about Autism, Neurodiversity and Inclusion

Living on the Spectrum site with a list of 12 books on Autism and Neurodiversity.

Thinking Differently-Guide for Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities

Link to a guide book for parents of children with learning disabilities.

Driven to Distraction

Link to a book for Children and Adults with ADHD about the recognition and coping with the disorder.

Helping Your Child with Language-Based Learning Disabilities

Link to a book for parents of children with language-based disorders such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, and Processing disorders.

The Elephant in the Playroom: Ordinary Parents Write-About Raising Kids with Special Needs

Book written by parents of children with special needs.

How Dysregulation Emotions Hijack the Teen ADHD Brain

Attitude Mag article about how emotions take over the Teen ADHD brain and interfere with impulse control.