Events & Important Dates

2024-25 Memorable Moments

 Great job RAVENS! You made another day at FCA Ft. Worth a memorable moment!

Our Little Ravens

Enrollment for 2024-25

Enrollment for 2024-2025

Share our wonderful school with your family and friends. Invite them to enroll 2024-25 school year. We have seats available in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade :)

We Need Your Support :)

Showing Self Control Makes ALL the Difference :)

CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO: How To Make Better Decisions

It's a wonderful game to play at home too!

We are playing Integrity Bingo at our campus. Integrity chooses virtue in every action. At the end of the week, every student who demonstrates integrity in their actions and gets 5 integrity marks in a row, receives a Virtue (sugar free) Ice Pop :)

Helpful Videos on Integrity

Parent Resource Site

yws-frnc-nzg (2023-08-21 13:07 GMT-5)

Meet Our District Counselor


Amplify & Math MOY Testing

coming January!

Amplify Assessment Dates: TBD

Math Assessment Dates: TBD

Teacher Newsletters

Click here for: Newsletter

Click here for: Newsletter

Click here for: Newsletter

Click here for: Newsletter

Parent Information

Responsive Education Solutions is required to collect and report the socioeconomic status of each student to the Texas Education Agency for purposes of the annual state accountability ratings and federal reporting. Please note that this form is not sent to the Texas Education Agency and that the income levels indicated for your family are not reported to the Texas Education Agency. Only the Economic Disadvantaged status of each student as determined by the information provided is reported to the Texas Education Agency.

It is very important that families complete this socioeconomic form in order for schools to receive Title I and State Compensatory Education funding. This funding may directly benefit your child's school. Title I and State Compensatory Education funding can be used to hire personnel, provide tutoring services, order technology, and provide professional development for teachers. We want to continue to provide these necessary learning supports, but without your assistance, we may not be able to. 

To fill out the socioeconomic form, please click the button below to access your Skyward. If you haven't already, you will need to create a username and password. 

Click the Skyward button below:

September-Motivation & Resilience Link to Improving Grades

Helping to encourage motivation and build resilience is the key to healthy children striving to achieve goals like having good grades. This video has tips on how to create an environment that fosters motivation and resilience.

Sentence Stems to Encourage Children to Talk

How to Respond When What Your Child Says or Does, Catches You Off Guard

For navigating Skyward please click below. If you need further assistance please contact the front office (817)-661-0387

Hello families,

Above is the link for an application of qualification for a free or reduced breakfast pack for your child.  This application is located in your Skyward account, you will find steps on how to navigate Skyward, along with steps on how to find the application.

Hello families,

Please visit Skyward to see if your child has a balance. Follow the steps to make a payment. 

2023-24 Memorable Moments

 Great job RAVENS! You made another day at FCA Ft. Worth a memorable moment!

Our Little Ravens had an incredible time celebrating our 100th Day of School. A big 'THANK YOU' goes to all the parents and staff who donated food, drinks, and their time to help make this a memorable experience for our students! 

Our Little Ravens honored our Community First Responders with certificates and a luncheon in site of our Virtue of the Month - Honor. McGruff, the Crime Fighting Dog, joined our First Responders and we had a great time! Thank you City of Ft. Worth and the Ft. Worth Police Department for taking time to come visit our Little Ravens!

Our Little Ravens showed tremendous work ethic as we prepared to celebrate Christmas on our campus. Every day was filled with joy, dedication, and encouragement as they learned new songs, poems, and dances for all to enjoy. Thank you for spending your day with us as we presented our first Annual Raven's Christmas Program!

Character Day is one of my favorite days of the school year! We had a blast and our students learned so much. It was exciting to see all of their cute little faces dressed as a character from the Literature books that they read in class. Kinder rocked it with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, first grade dazzled us with Narnia, and second grade's cuteness from Charlotte's Web put the icing on the cake.

We had fun at our Raven Pajamas Movie Night!!! 

Thank you to all  who participated in making this a memorable evening!

We had an awesome first day of school! 

Everyone came in ready to learn and meet their peers. There was so much kindness in the air :)

Great start to a great first year!

2023-24 Poetry Recitations

Spirit Wear Shop

Little Ravens T-Shirt


Ravens T-Shirt
