14 Day Quarantine Calendar

Link to Download Calendar Image below.

14 Days of Activities

Day 1 Journaling: – write down 3 good things that happen each day and why.

Day 2 Make Ooblek: Ooblek is a green gooey substance from Dr. Seuss’s book Bartholomew & Ooblek. Play with it, pound it and twist it. Hide things in it and then try to find them.

Recipe: 2 cups cornstarch, 1 cup water and food coloring

Day 3 Mindfulness: Spend time finding your zen – learn how to calm the mind.

Mindful Powers app for younger kids

Headspace for older kids and adults: https://www.headspace.com

Day 4 Circle of Control Poster: Draw a circle in the center of a page that lists what you have in your control, such as your thoughts, behaviors, words, actions, ideas and draw an outside circle that lists what is not in your control such as school rules, others choices, words, opinions, ideas for play, and a still wider circle that has world events like Covid19 and climate change.

Discuss that your child might have influence on the outer circles but those are not in their control.

Day 5 Search YouTube: Search YouTube for stories of resilience and examples of people who understood their inner strength, Ex. Catching Kayla

Day 6 Character Strengths: Take a character strengths survey

Create a cardboard shield with the top 5 character strengths listed using string or wire for a handle. Use shield to fend off soft objects thrown around (ping pong balls, marshmallows, Koosh balls)

Day 7 Gratitude: Create a gratitude journal or jar and write down all the things that you and your child are grateful for despite the current struggle

Write a song and perform it to your family that expresses what you are grateful for each day.

Day 8 Self-Compassion & Self-Care:

Make bath bombs. Use them in an at home spa, take a bath with your bath bomb!

Have a “drive-in” movie night (make cardboard cars to sit in or spread a blanket on the floor)

Build a fort (inside you can read, imaginary play, play a board game, watch a movie on your computer/tablet)

Remember the link between sleep and well-being. Host your own slumber party with PJ’s, popcorn, movies, while keeping to a family “ sleep schedule”

Create a moment of solitude to balance “too much togetherness.” A moment with a cup of tea.

Melt old or broken crayons into rainbow crayons

Day 9 Embrace Nature:

Paint rocks

Take pictures and make a photo album on your computer

Make a time capsule

Create an outdoor picnic in your own backyard.

Aim to fit a little nature into every day. With just 5 minutes a day of physical activity in nature, people report major shifts in mood and outlook (from The Joy of Movement by Kelly McGonigal PhD)

Day 10 Movement & Music:

Choose a piece of music that reflects your mood and listen to it.

Now choose some music that reflects how you would like to feel.

Get up and dance -- by yourself, or with your family!

Try “kitchen dancing” and make use of that slippery floor! Get the “feel good” feeling of music and movement

Write a music parody

Practice Power Poses

Day 11 Find Laughter and Fun:

Play “make me laugh” games with your family where one person tries to make another smile or laugh with silliness

Have a bowling party using empty plastic bottles and a soccer ball (or kick ball). Each turn, try it with a different challenge (ex. backwards, eyes closed, while spinning)

Day 12: Inspiration:

Allow yourself to be inspired by the many examples of people giving back to their communities

Boost your immune system through good nutrition

Create a healthy smoothie!

Check out John Krasinski’s Some Good News

Check out @savewithstories on Instagram - celebrities reading books to raise money to provide food for families

Day 13 Contribute to the Family:

Make microwave mug meals for the family or bake something delicious

Clear the yard for the fall or clear out a basement, attic or garage, and make a positive contribution to the family

Day 14 Snuggle Up With a Pet or Stuffed Animal

(If you don’t have a pet at home, find a stuffed animal and pretend). Learn about your pet’s breed by Googling, looking at books, or other resources. Imagine what it’s like to be them. You may want to even read a book to them.

Download the calendar here.

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