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Fishhof Gil, Judith Bronstein and Vardit Shotten-Hallel Vardit (eds.), “Settlement and Crusade in the 13th Century: Multidisciplinary Studies of the Latin East”, Crusades – Subsidia (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Ltd) (forthcoming).


“Cambios estructurales y economicos en la orden de San Juan de Jerusalén en la mitad del siglo XIII”, As Ordens Militares e as Ordens de Cavalaria na Construçāo do Mundo Ocidental, Actas do IV Encontro sobre Ordens Militares, eds. L Adāo da Fonseca and F. Olival (Lisboa: Edições Colibri.2005), pp. 227-235.

“The Crusades and the Jews: Some Reflections on the 1096 Massacre”, History Compass 5 (2007), 1268–1279.

“Caring for the Sick or Dying for the Cross? Granting of Crusade Indulgences to the Hospitallers”, in The Hospitallers, The Mediterranean and Europe. Festschrift for Anthony Luttrell, eds. K. Borchardt, N. Jaspert, H. Nicholson (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), pp .39-47.

“The Decree of 1262: a Glimpse into Economic Decision-Making of the Hospitallers”, in The Military Orders: Their History and Heritage, ed. V. Mallia-Milanes, (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008), pp. 195-203.

“La construcción hospitalaria en el siglo XIII”, en As Ordens Militares e as Ordens de Cavalaria entre o Ocidente e o Oriente, ed. I. C.F. Fernandes (Palmela: Camara Municipal de Palmela, 2009), pp. 459-533.

Servus Pauperum Christi: El servicio de la orden de San Juan a peregrinos en el oriente Latino y en Europa, siglos XI-XIII”, Memoria y Civilización. Anuario de Historia 16 (2013), 219-236.

“Food and the Military Orders: Attitudes of the Hospital and the Temple between the Twelfth and Fourteenth Centuries”, Crusades 12 (2013),133-152.

“El Mediterranismo Sanjuanista: Evolución institucional y logística en el despliegue de la orden de San Juan, siglos XII-XIII”, en La Orden del Hospital de San Juan de Jerusalén. Contextos y trayectorias del priorato de Navarra medieval, eds. Julia Pavón Benito y María Bonet Donato (Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, (CSIC)- EUNSA, 2013), pp. 287-309.

"1096 and the Jews: A Historiographic Approach", in Jerusalem the Golden. The Origins and Impact of the First Crusade, eds. Susan B. Edgington and Luis Garcia-Guijarro (Turnouth: Brepols, 2014), pp. 117-133.

"Producción alimentaria de la Orden de San Juan en el Este Latino”, en Ordenes Militares y Construcción de la Sociedad Occidental. Cultura, Religiosidad, Genero y Desarrollo Social en los Espacios de Frontera, Siglos XII XIV, eds. Raquel Torres Jiménez, Francisco Ruiz Gómez (Sílex: Madrid, 2016), pp. 197-208.

“Zionism, Medieval Culture, and National Discourse", Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, 62 (2017), 119-135.

“The Hospitallers: From Land to Sea. An examination of the Hospitallers Naval Activities in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries”, The Medieval History Journal 22.1 (2018), 53-91.

“Consideraciones sobre el personal militar en las órdenes militares del Hospital y del Temple, siglos XII-XIII”, en Hombres de religión y guerra. Cruzada y guerra santa en la Edad Media peninsular (siglos X-XV), eds. Carlos de Ayala Martínez and Santiago Palacios Ontalva (Madrid: Sílex Ediciones, 2018), pp. 139-150.

“Franks, locals and sugar cane: a case study of cultural interaction in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem”, Journal of Medieval History 45.3 (2019), 316-330. With Edna J. Stern and Elisabeth Yehuda.

“Hattin and Alarcos: A Comparative Analysis of the Institutional Response of the Military Orders to Major Crises in the Latin East and the Iberian Peninsula”, Hispania. Revista Española de Historia 261 (2019), 41-68.

“Early Zionists and Crusader Castles: perceptions and interpretations of crusader material culture in the late nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries”, Jewish Culture and History 20.4 (2019), 337-358.

“Reviving forgotten Jewish heroes: an aspect of early 20th century Zionist perception of the Crusader period in Palestine”, Jewish Quarterly Review 109.4 (2019), 631-649.

“Some observations on Hospitaller agricultural activities in the Latin East prior to the fall of Acre in 1291”, in The Templars, the Hospitallers and the Crusades Essays in Homage to Alan J. Forey, eds. H. Nicholson and J. Burgtorf (Abingdom, Routledge, 2020), pp. 94-101.

“Viticulture in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem in the Light of Historical and Archaeological Evidence”, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 33.1(2020) 55-78. With Edna J. Stern and Elisabeth Yehuda.

“The Carmel of Prosper of the Holy Spirit, reports and letters, 1631-1653”, Cathedra (forthcoming) (in Hebrew).

“Everyday Life in the Kingdom of Jerusalem”, in Cambridge History of the Crusades, ed. Jonathan Phillips (Cambridge University Press) (forthcoming).

“Historical Origins of the Carmelite’s in Wadi Siah, Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries,” in Excavations at the Monastery of St.Mary of Carmel at Wadi Siah, eds. Edna.J. Stern , Judith Stones, Corethia Qualls and Mary June Nestler, (Israel Antiquities Authority Press , IAA) (forthcoming).