Specialist Classes 2024

In Year 8 you will experience three cycles of Specialist Subjects. On your first day back at school in 2024 your Year 8 teacher will ask you to complete a Google Form where you will rank the Specialist Subjects from 1 - 6, #1 being your most preferred subject and #6 being your least preferred. From this ranking you will be sorted into the three cycles. We will do our best to give you your most preferred subjects, but we can't make any promises.

The following pages are a snapshot of what these Year 8 programmes might include. Click on the subject links on the side bar of the page or on the links at the bottom to view these pages.

The Specialist subjects and teachers are:

Art - Mrs Sturgiss

DigiTech - Mr Sharma

Garden to Table - Mrs Potter

French - Mrs Gordon

Multi Materials - Mr Symons

Performance Media - Mr Zemke