"The Coach is In"

Sign up to be a "coach on call." In each of these 30 minute sessions, you will have an opportunity to work with not more than 3 teachers at a time, coaching them with specific needs. Participants will sign up in advance and will be grouped according to grade level, subject area, or problem of practice. Bring your best coaching game and help out educators who might not have an opportunity to work with an instructional or digital coach. You can decide how many of these informal coaching sessions you'd like to help with!

Examples issues you might coach:

    • What does this data mean, and how can I use it to modify my instruction?
    • I want my students to have an authentic audience for their writing. What are the best tools to use?
    • Which technology tools might help me with my own productivity?
Image source: WoCinTech https://flic.kr/p/Am51xe
Image source: Nancy Watson