
FREE Resources for Outdoor Learning

There are lots of FREE TEKS-based resources Teachers can use for teaching students outdoors. Region 10 ESC offers free PDFs of grade-level specific Teacher Guides and accompanying Student Journals for teaching in any outdoor setting. Other resources can also be found on this page to enhance student learning. If you know of others we should add, please contact Holly Bishop

Cover of 5th Grade Teacher Guide
Cover of 5th Grade Student Journal
Photo of a Kingfisher (bird).

Epic Nature in the Classroom

Epic Nature in the Classroom has a wealth of resources, including professional photographs and videos of wildlife, and teaching ideas for teachers to use to support instruction, and all is FREE to use! 

Short video clips can spark discussion and act as a hook to lead students into the daily lesson. Photos of animals and plants can enhance slides, be used in research projects, and generate interest for students. 

Teachers can freely use any of the photos or video clips for educational purposes with no worry about copyright violations! The biologists who spent hours in the field capturing epic moments want nothing more than to inspire the next generation of students! 

Deep in the Heart

Deep in the Heart offers a series of video clips, narrated by Matthew McConaughey, to connect students to Tesas's unique environments. The videos and lessons that accompany them are TEKS and NGSS aligned or K-12 teachers and students. 

Picture of Deep in the Heart website
Picture of Chasing the Tide's website

Chasing the Tide

Casing the Tide offers informative short videos about the Texas coast and how all of us are a part of the coastal conservation effort.

More FREE Educational Resources: Click the logo or name below for a direct link to their Educator Resources pages.