Inspired to Learn
Digital Learning Radio
Season 14
(Expand the section to see the show notes and transcript.)
Episode 5: Inspired by Unicorn Spaces
In this season Kathryn and Laura are inspired to learn and inspired to share. Each week they discuss the ongoing story of their learning as they engage in reflective practice to connect their ideas and continuously grow. This week closes out the Inspired to Learn series as Kathryn and Laura discuss Unicorn Spaces.
Inspired to Learn site | Reflection Form
Coaching for Educator Wellness, Tina Boogren
Find Your Unicorn Space, Eve Rodsky
Episode 4: Inspired by Thinking Routines
In this season Kathryn and Laura are inspired to learn and inspired to share. Each week they discuss the ongoing story of their learning as they engage in reflective practice to connect their ideas and continuously grow. This week’s inspiration is shared by Laura as she discusses Thinking Routines.
Episode 3: Inspired by Differentiation and Technology
In this season Kathryn and Laura are inspired to learn and inspired to share. Each week they discuss the ongoing story of their learning as they engage in reflective practice to connect their ideas and continuously grow. This week’s inspiration is shared by Kathryn as she discusses Differentiated Learning and Technology.
Differentiated Learning and Technology: A Powerful Combination
ASCD EL Magazine, June 2023 | Deepening Learning with Technology
Differentiation Model, UVA, Institutes on Academic Diversity
Would You Rather: Designing with Choice in Mind, Dr. Catlin Tucker
Episode 2: Inspired by Transformative Learning with Technology
In this season Kathryn and Laura are inspired to learn and inspired to share. Each week they discuss the ongoing story of their learning as they engage in reflective practice to connect their ideas and continuously grow. This week’s inspiration is shared from Laura as she discusses Transformative Learning with Technology.
Episode 1: Inspired to Work with (Almost) Anyone
In this season Kathryn and Laura are inspired to learn and inspired to share. Each week they discuss the ongoing story of their learning as they engage in reflective practice to connect their ideas and continuously grow. This week’s inspiration is shared from Kathryn as she discusses How to Work With (Almost) Anyone.
Coaching for Leaders podcast interview with Michael Bungay Stanier
Previous Digital Learning Radio episodes about MBS’s works: