
Renee Fragola, School-to-Career Coordinator

Valley Regional High School

256 Kelsey Hill Rd., Deep River, CT 06417

Phone (860) 526-5328 ext. 2408, Fax (860) 526-8123


Connecting Education and Careers

What is School to Career?

The School-to-Career program offers all VRHS students opportunities to explore and define their career interests and develop college and career readiness skills that will prepare them for higher education, employment and career success. The School-to-Career program affords students authentic opportunities to apply what they learn in the classroom to the world of work.

The School-to-Career Coordinator serves as a liaison between the school and the community and coordinates the following community-based activities.

Career Internship

Career Internship is an opportunity for students to work with individuals involved in a career field that they are thinking about pursuing after graduation.Career internships may be paid or unpaid. Credit will be determined by number of contact hours and other requirements identified in the Career Internship guidelines and determined by consultation with the School-to-Career Coordinator. A grade of pass (P) or fail (F) will be given. Students interested in participating in a Career Internship should see the School-to-Career Coordinator.

Job Shadowing

Job Shadowing is an opportunity for students in grades 9-12 to spend a day or part of a day observing/working with an individual in his/her place of employment to learn more about a career of interest. No credit is given for job shadowing. Students interested in job shadowing should see theSchool-to-Career Coordinator.

Work-Based Learning

Work-Based Learning is an opportunity for students to gain credit for work experience either as part of the school day or outside of the school day. The work-based learning experience should relate to a career field that the student is thinking about pursuing after graduation; however, this is not a requirement to participate in the program. The amount of credit awarded will be determined by number of hours worked and other requirements identified in the Work-BasedLearning guidelines. (200 hours = 1/2 credit; 400 hours = 1 credit).This program is open to selected sophomores, juniors and seniors.Students will obtain applications and return all paperwork (i.e. time sheets/pay stubs and evaluations) to the School-to-Career Coordinator. A grade of pass (P) or fail (F) will be given. Students interested in participating in Work-Based Learning should see the School-to-CareerCoordinator.

College Career Pathways Program

Valley Regional High School, in partnership with Middlesex Community College (MxCC), provides opportunities for students to earn college credit while in high school. Credits earned are free of charge and can be applied to an Associate’s Degree or transferred to colleges accepting credits fromMiddlesex Community College. (At this time, all Connecticut State University system schools accept these credits).

The courses offered for Middlesex Community College credit are: Accounting 2, Advanced Photography, Anatomy and Physiology, Graphic Arts 2 and Introduction to Graphic Arts.

Students should see Ms. Hambor in the Career Center for more information about the College Career Pathways Program.

Career Exploration Events

Throughout the school year the following career exploration opportunities are available to students: post-secondary school tours, company tours, career expos (MiddlesexChamber of Commerce Career Expo, VRHS Post-Secondary Expo, Medical Careers Expo, CT Construction Career Day), guest speakers and individual career interviews. These events are publicized on the message boards, on the School-to-Career bulletin boards and through individual invitation.