Mr. Sager's 3rd Grade
Together We Can Do This
Welcome to our classroom webpage. This is my 23rd year in teaching and 23rd year in Red Lodge.
Aug. 28-30
Welcome, this week we will be working on introductions, prior knowledge assessments, expectations, and routines.
Once again welcome to my (our) class. This will be another super year.
Parents thanks for such nice kids!
"What a school is depends more on how people treat each other than anything else." Dennis Littkey
Sept 3-Sept 20
We are off to a great start!
Reading Theme 1 School Days
Story 1 Ruby the Copy Cat
RI:3.1, 3.2,3.3 , 3.4 RF 3.4a W 3.2
spelling words short vowels a, e, i, o, u this, went, jump, still, last, dust, tell, drop, shut, lamp, stop, felt, drink, clock, stand, sunset, muffin, pumpkin, hidden, basket
Robust Vocabulary: trudged, gushed, coincidence, pleasant, modeled, murmured, loyal, recited, frustrated, imitated
Comprehension: characters and setting
Grammar: statements and questions
Writing: Descriptive writing.
Math: Unit 2 Multiplication and division concepts, relationships, and patterns
Lessons 4 , sessions, 1-4, Lesson 4 Quiz.
Science Unit 1 Engineering Processes
lessons 1 and 2
Social Studies
Chapter 1 Life in Communities lessons 1 and 2
Cursive letters a, b, c, d, e, f
Sept 24-Oct 4
Reading Story 2 The Day Eddie met the Author
RF 3.4, W 3:10 RL 3:10 Sl 3.4 3.6
phonics: root word + ending ed, ing
spelling words list 1: saved, moved, riding, waking, pulled, taking, hopped, baking, picked, having, letting, running, drawing, folded, shopped, freezing, equipped, dancing, happening, quitting
list 2 letting, running, drawing, folded, shopped, freezing, equipped, dancing, happening, quitting, rolling, dismissing, autographed, pondering, anticipating, resisting, assembled, frustrating, recited, galloping
Comprehension: characters and setting
Robust Vocabulary: conquer, resistance, assembly, plenty, dismiss, squirmed, patchwork, autographed, ponder, anticipation
Grammar: Commands and Exclamations
Writing: interview
Math Lesson 5 multiply wit 0,1,2,5, and 10
3OA. A3, 3OA. B7, 3OA. C7
Science Ch 1 lesson 2 Design a solution!
Social Studies Ch 1 wrap up/test start ch 2 Communities and Geography
Cursive Letters K, L, M, N, O, P.....
Oct 7-25
No school PIR on Thurs, Fri 10/17 and 18 Enjoy the long weekend!
Reading Lesson 3 Schools around the world
RF 3.3a, RF 3.4 a, RI 3.1 2, W3.1C
Vocabulary proper, boarding, chores, certain, resources, culture, tutor, uniforms, literacy, diverse
Grammar: complete and simple subjects and predicates
Skills: locate information! use prior knowledge
Spelling: LIst 1 Vowel digraphs, deep, play, lean, glow, team, away, slow, trail, dream, stain, toast, speed, raise, sweet, layer, wheelbarrow, freedom, speedboat, cocoa, daydream
List 2 boarding, certain, resource, culture, uniform, wheelbarrow, freedom, speedboat, cocoa, daydream, ground, enough, found, four, important, learned, nothing, remember, something, through
Writing: continue steps to completing a task ie make a pb and j sandwich
Math: Continuing on with Lesson 4 and 5 practice Multiplication! learning strategies for multiplying
3.OA.A3, B5, C7
Science: Lesson 2 How can we design a solution? Exploration 2 How dry am I? pg 27 Exploration 3 Testing, Testing!
Social Studies : Chapter 2 cont. lesson 2.3, review chapter 2 test.
Cursive: Letters S, T, U, V, W, X.....
Oct. 28-Nov 14
Parent teacher conferences 11/14 early out 1 pm
No School 11/15
Reading Lesson 4 Ellen Ochoa, Astronaut
vocabulary: persevere, confidence, talented, apply, research, invention, hinder, disappointed, ambitious, attain.
Spelling words list 1 plurals -s -es ants, toys, flies, things, boxes, games, lines, rocks, wishes, ladies, dishes, babies, bushes, glasses, puppies, families, libraries, brothers, packages, melodies
List 2 melodies, packages, libraries, families, puppies, elephants, llamas, monkeys, languages, newspapers, countries, biscuits, zookeepers, curriculums, conditions, referrals, strawberries, programs, watermelons, ptarmigans
Grammar: compound subjects and predicates
Comprehension:locate information, use prior information
RI 3.1,2,3 RF 3.3, RF3.4
Writing: Biography W3.2
Math Continue working with lesson 4 and 5 Multiplication, learning strategies for multiplication
3OA A3,B5,C7
Understanding Multiplication, counting equal groups, Relate addition and multiplication, skip counting, number lines, array, equation etc.
Social Studies, Chapter 3 Early communities in America lessons 1 and 2 chapter review and quiz
Geography skill using a land form map
Science: Unit 2 Forces Lessons 1-2
Cursive words and sentences!
Nov 18-Dec 6
NO School 11/27-12/1 Thanksgiving Break
Seeing some great progress with multiplication facts, both with tricks to solve them as well as strategies.
Reading Lesson 5 Reader's Theater The School News
Focus standards : SL 3.1, 3.2,3.5, 3.6 L3.1, 3.2 a RL 3.1, 3.3
Vocabulary viewers, survive, camouflage, concealed, independent, donated, media, feature, image, popular
Phonics review : clock, drink, moved, waking, hopped, folded, stain, layer, team, slow, toast, ladies, flies, bushes, games
list 2 another, family, head, large, answer, change, hear, last, name, children, father, heard, later, near, city, feet, help, learn, need, around
Comprehension review
Grammar review
Writing Sentence fluency, accuracy
Math Continue Iready math Lesson 6 and move on to lesson 7 multiplication!
Focus standards: 3.OAA3, 5 and 7
Social Studies Continue Chapter 3 Early Communities in America lesson 1 and 2, review and test chapter 3
vocab. Great migration, immigrant, pioneer.
Science Unit 2 Forces Hands on activity, How Forces affect motion!
Cursive work on joining letters to put words together!
Dec 9-20 and Jan. 2 and 3
Early out Fri. Dec. 13th 1 pm
Christmas concert Tues. Dec. 17th 9 and 1
Christmas Party Dec. 19th 2-3
Christmas break 12/23-1/1 Have a fantastic/safe break see you next year!
Reading Theme 2 Together We Can Lesson 6 The Babe and I
Standards: RL 3.1, 3.2, 3.6, RF 3.3 a, b, c, d 3.4 a, W 3.2a, b, c
Vocabulary skim, span, shabby, embarrass, midst, elevated, dazed, collapses, contribution, initiative
Phonics/spelling Compound words: Just 1 list these weeks.....pickup, cannot, outside, bedroom, upstairs, raindrop, baseball, hallway, airplane, mailbox, sunshine, homework, classroom, something, playground, sidewalk, teaspoon, thumbtack, sandpaper, notebook
Comprehension fact/opinion
Grammar simple/compound sentences
Writing Sentence fluency, working toward paragraphs
Math Lesson 7 sessions 4-5, quiz and lesson 8 sessions 1-4
Focus standards 3.OA.A3, B.5, C.7 (basically solving problems using multiplication and increasing fluency with multiplication!)
Social Studies Continue Chapter 4 People on the Move lesson 1 and 2
vocab. Great migration, immigrant, pioneer.
Science Unit 2 Forces Hands on activity, How Forces affect motion!
Cursive work on joining letters to put words together!
Jan 6-17
Special events
Reading Lesson 7 Aero and Officer Mike
Comprehension: fact and opinion
Robust Vocabulary: babble, suspicious, scent, wanders, whined, obey, demonstrate, patrol, accompany, competent
Grammar: common and proper nouns
Writing: How to paragraph
Spelling: consonant digraphs ch, tch, sh, ch, wh
chin, itch, pushm, chef, when, wash, much, sharp, pitch, where, peach, child, wheat, chance, machine, cashier, friendship, hatched, finished, children
Math Lesson 8 Use multiplication facts sessions 2-5
Focus on using strategies to solve multiplication problems.
Math fact games.
Science: Unit 2 forces continued. Lesson 3 electricity. Lesson round up and lesson check.
Social studies Chapter 5 New Ideas change communities. Inventions, Safety,
Cursive: Sentence work and Christmas words.
Dec. 20 and 21 Christmas stories, math games focused on math facts. Board games.
Welcome back! Happy New Year hope you had an amazing break!
Reading Unit 2 Lesson 8 How Animals Talk (this will be good!)
Spelling: foil, loud, gown, coil, house, annoy, growl, moist, enjoy, round, spoil, mouse, clown, bounce, cowboy, eyebrows, voyage, boiling, cloudy, avoid
Comprehension: Main Idea and Details
Vocabulary: charging, ferocious, signal, flick, alert, communicate, chatter, grooms, dominant, conflict
Grammar: Abbreviations.....
Writing: descriptions
Math: finish Chapter 5 lessons 5.4 and 5.5 Use multiplication facts review and chapter test. Start Chapter 6 Division!!! main focus is groups, equal number and size
Social Studies Chapter 5 New Ideas Change Communities cont..
Science: Finish up unit 2 Forces, review and test. Start unit 3 motion
Cursive: descriptive writing senteces.
Where did January Go!!!
Events Tues. Jan. 16 End of 2nd quarter
Wed. Jan 17 PIR Day no school for students.
Reading Unit 2 Lesson 9 Stone Soup
Robust Vocabulary: dense, reaction, generous, banquet, gaze, agreeable, curiosity, famine, ingredients, momentum
Comprehension: Main Ideas and Details
Grammar: Singular and plural nouns
Phonics: consonant blends str, scr, spr
Spelling words: spray, street, sprint, stripe, screen, strong, spring, stray, scream, strike, spread, string, sprout, scratch, stream, strangers, describe, strength, destroy, instruct
Writing focus summary!
Cursive writing write summaries in cursive.
Math Fractions!!! Unit 4 Lessons 20-26
Social Studies Finish Ch 6 Communities at work
Science: Start unit 3 Motion!
Reading Unit 2 lesson 10 Reader's Theater The Case of the Three Bears' Breakfast.
Review of lessons 6-9
Phonics Review compound words, consonant digraphs ch, tch, sh, ch, wh, consonant blends str, scr, spr
Spelling: 15 review words: airplane, upstairs, something, itch, chef, wheat, chance, push, enjoy, moist, clown, loud, sprint, street, scratch
Comprehension Review, fact and opinion, main idea and details, summarize
Robust Vocabulary: investigate, expert, laboratory, various, suspect, confess, perplexed, inquisitive, inviting, amusing
Grammar Review simple/compound sentences, common/proper nouns, abbreviations, singular/plural nouns.
Writing: sentence fluency/word choice, paragraphs
Math Cont. Lessons 21/22 exploring fractions., modeling and strategies!
Social Studies Unit 3 Communities at Work Chapter 6 Living and Working
key ideas, how people earn money/making money choices
Science Unit 3 Motion What is it? Patterns in Motion.
Cursive fluency!
Valentines day Wed. Feb. 14th If you took your Valentines box home to work on it.....please remember to bring it back by Wed.
No School Monday Feb. 19th
Reading Unit 3 As We Grow lesson 11Loved Best
Phonics C-le syllable
Spelling: title, table, uncle, apple, cable, bubble, beetle, rattle, purple, little, middle, simple, saddle, trouble, scribble, twinkle,. scrambled, sprinkle, buckled, tablecloth
Comprehension Plot and use story structure
Robust Vocabulary: swooned, astonished, encouraging, brief, chuckling, soothing, sobbed, praised, envious, rivalry
Grammar Possessive Nouns
Writing: paragraph that compares
Math Unit 5 Measurement, Lesson 27 focuses on time, Lesson 28 is Volume..... Power! standard is 3.MD.A1 Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes.
Social Studies Unit 3 Communities at Work Chapter 6 Living and Working
key ideas, how people earn money/making money choices
#We will be following the Iditarod for our social studies/science in March We will be Mushing through March!
Science Unit 3 Motion What is it? Patterns in Motion.
Cursive fluency! paragraphs!!!
Ski Days Thursday March 7,14, 21
Reading Unit 3 As We Grow lesson 12 A Pen Pal for Max
Phonics Consonant Digraphs /n/,kn, gn, wr, gh
Spelling: gnat, knew, sign, knob, gnaw, write, knees, wrinkle, kneel, wrist, cough, known, rough, wrench, knight, knitting, laughter, wring, unknown, playwright
Comprehension Plot and use story structure
Robust Vocabulary: deciphered, mistaken, translate, repairs, heaving, bothersome, din, dodging, catastrophe, fortunate
Grammar singular and plural pronouns
Writing: realistic story, voice
Math Lesson 27 and 28 Time and Liquid Volume!
27 focus standard, 3.MD.A.1 tell and write time to the nearest minute, measure time intervals, add subtract intervals.....
28 focus standard, 3. MD. A2. Measure and estimate liquid volumes, masses of objects, add subtract, multiply, and divide one step story problems involving mass and volumes......
Social Studies Iditarod We will be picking a musher to follow through the race and getting familiar with the race and website Race starts March 2nd and will follow the northern route as it is an even year. 2024
#We will be following the Iditarod for our social studies/science in March We will be Mushing through March!
Science Unit 3 Motion What is it? Patterns in Motion.
Cursive fluency! paragraphs!!!
End of Quarter 3 March 22th
Spring Break March 25-29
Ski Days Thursday March 7,13,20
Reading Unit 3 As We Grow lesson 13 A Tree is Growing!
Phonics Consonant Digraphs /s/ c and /j/g
Spelling: ice, age, rice, edge, stage, giant, range, judge, ledge, police, recent, bridge, office, strange, central, celery, ceiling, difference, margin, imagine
Comprehension Author's Purpose
Robust Vocabulary: tugged, paused, columns, absorb, protects, rustling, dissolve, particles, scavenger, self-sufficient
Grammar subject and object pronouns
Writing: explanation!
Math Lesson 29 Mass!
Focus standard Measure and estimate liquid volumes and mass of objects, add, subtract, multiply, and divide word problems involving mass.
Social Studies Unit 3 Communities at Work Chapter 7 Working in Communities/Iditarod Study
key ideas, how people work/different jobs
#We will be following the Iditarod for our social studies/science in March We will be Mushing through March!
Science Unit 3 Motion, Lessons 1-2
Cursive fluency! paragraphs!!!
Early out 1 pm Thursday April 11th Parent/Teacher Conferences 1-7
No school Friday April 12th
Reading Unit 3 As We Grow lesson 14 One Small Place in a Tree
Phonics Consonant Digraphs V/CV VC/V
Spelling: robin, petal, seven, solid, final, given, color, hotel, wagon, music, total, cabin, taken, pupil, broken, recital, vanish, regret, colony, visiting
Comprehension Author's Purpose-Ask Questions
Robust Vocabulary: sprout, damp, suppose, roost, spears, strikes, glimpse, maze, transformation, harmony
Grammar Pronoun-Antecedent agreement
Writing: Cause and effect
Math Lesson 32 Area and Perimeter of shapes. Focus standard solve real world and math problems involving perimeter and area of different shapes.
Social Studies Unit 3 Communities at Work Chapter 7 Working in Communities
key ideas, how people work/different jobs
Science Unit 4 Life Cycles and Inherited Traits Lesson 2 Elaborate
Cursive fluency! paragraphs!!!
Upcoming events
April 17th Alberta Baer
May 10th bike rodeo
May 15th Spring Concert!!
May 17th Field Day!
May 23rd horn hunt
May 29 End of the year picnic fishing trip.
May 31 early out and last day of school
Theme 3 As We Grow Lesson 15 Reader's Theater Ask the Experts
Skills Review
Phonics: c-le, kn, gn, wr, gh, dge
Spelling words review just 15 this week
title, rattle, saddle, gnat, knight, wrench, rough, edge, police, giant, judge, hotel, seven, broken, taken
Comprehension review, plot, author's purpose
Vocabulary: luscious, shudder, issue, advice, consult, recommend, sensible, devise, expertise, correspondence
Fluency: Use expression, intonation
Grammar: Review: possessive nouns, pronouns
Writing Paragraphs, hero letters
Math: Lesson 19 Scaled Graphs :Focus standard Draw picture graph and bar graphs, solve problems related to graphs
Social Studies: Start Montana unit Lewis and Clark study
Science: Unit 3 motion lessons 3 and 4
Cursive sentences, spelling words, names, paragraphs