Intro to Calculus (Block)
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Review Practice Sets
All of the following practice sets can be found in the OpenStax Precalculus text. There is a link to the related section of the text provided for each set. These practice sets will be graded on participation.
4.5 - Logarithmic Properties: #3-13 odds, 17, 23, 25, 39, 41, 42
4.6 - Exponential and Logarithmic Equations: #5, 7, 13, 17, 27, 33, 35, 39, 49, 67
3.8 - Inverses and Radical Functions: #5, 9, 15, 19, 21, 23, 27, 35
Units 1 Practice Sets
Lesson 1-4: pgs. 15-17: #1-33 odds, 34-36, 38-41
Units 2 Practice Sets
Lesson 2-1a: pg. 22 #1-23 odds + 8, 12, 24-26
Lesson 2-1b: pg. 23, #27-39 odds, 40-49 all
Lesson 2-2: pg. 25-26, #1-25
Lesson 2-3: pg.30 #1-14
Lesson 2-4: pg.33 #1-13
Lesson 2-5 pg.37-38 #1-6, 8-38 evens
Unit 3 Practice Sets
Lesson 3-1 pg. 45, #1-5 (review problems 8, 10, 15, 16)
Lesson 3-2 pg. 48, #1-13 (review problems 14, 16-18, 29)
Lesson 3-3 pg. 50-51, #1-8 (review problems 9, 13, 19-21)
Lesson 3-4 pg. 53, #1-13, (review problems 14-22)
BONUS: Lesson 3-5 pgs. 56-57, #1-10 (review problems 12-14, 19)
Unit 4 Practice Sets
Lesson 4-1 pg. 45, #1-8, 9-15 odds, 16-19, 20-28 evens (no review problems)
Lesson 4-2 pg. 66-67, #1-24 (review problems 25, 28, 29)
Lesson 4-3 pgs. 70-51, #1-13, 18 (review problems 16, 17, 19, 20)
Lesson 4-4 pgs. 73-74, #1-10, 20-23, (review problems 11-16)
Lesson 4-5 pgs. 76-77, #1-11 (review problems 13, 17, 18, 22-26)
Unit 5 Practice Sets
Lesson 5-1 pgs. 82-83, #1-6 (no review problems)
Lesson 5-2 pgs. 84-85, #1-9, (review problem 15)
Lesson 5-3 pgs. 86-87, #1-9 (no review problems)
Lesson 5-4 pgs. 92-93, #1-22 (no review problems)
Lesson 5-5 pg. 97, #1-20 (no review problems)
Lesson 5-6 pgs. 101-102, #1-21 (no review problems)
Unit 6 Practice Sets
Lesson 6-1 pgs. 110-111, #1-13 (review problems 15, 18-20)
Lesson 6-2 pgs. 114-115, #1-9 (review problem 27)
Lesson 6-3 pgs. 117-119, #1-9 (review problems 15-20)
Lesson 6-4 pgs. 122-123, #1-16 (review problems 20, 21)
Lesson 6-5 pgs. 125-126, #1-6 (review problems 26, 27)
Lesson 6-6 pgs. 129-130, #1-9 (review problems 11, 17-20)
Unit 7 Practice Sets
Lesson 7-1 pg. 136, #1-24 (no review)
Lesson 7-2 pg. 139, #1-24 (no review)
Lesson 7-3 pgs. 143-144, #1-10, 12, 13 (no review)
Lesson 7-4 pgs. 147-149, #1-40 (no review)
Lesson 7-5 pg. 152, #1-20 (no review)
Lesson 7-6 pg. 155, #1-14 (no review)
Other Fun/Helpful Stuff
Here is a link to a desmos graph of the Greatest Integer Function so you can have a visual aid for analysis of these functions.
Desmos - Greatest Integer Function
I've created a Desmos graph to accompany the practice for 2-1b, #41. It doesn't solve the problem for you, but at least gives you an idea of what the adjustments on the variables 'a' and 'b' accomplish.
Desmos - 2-1b Practice #41 Graph
Continuous everywhere, but differentiable nowhere - I have created a desmos graph of the Weierstrass function, if you would like to play around with it. Note that you can use the sliders to adjust the number of cosine functions being added, and if we were able to actually take the sum of an infinite number, we would be able to zoom in indefinitely to see the fractal nature of the the function. Alas, desmos is to limited for that...
Desmos - Weierstrass Function Graph
Here's the Desmos graph that I built for the related rate problem on the Midterm exam, in case it helps you get an idea conceptually of what this problem is about.
Desmos - AP FRQ Related Rate Tangent Line 1/x^2
Here is the Desmos graph and table that I created to help you out with the Taylor approximations of the exponential distributions for the Integration and Probability Project. Please keep in mind that if you make changes to the t and a values you will very likely have to change the scale of the x-/y-axes (let me know if you need help)!
Desmos - Exponential Distribution + Taylor Polynomial Approximation
Here is a Desmos graph that generates a slope field, as well as a moveable point that you can use to see the slope of the solution through a particular point. You can also input a (potential) solution with a constant of integration in order to test/verify solutions at points.
Desmos - Slope Field Generator