Red Cliffs Primary School Vision & Values

School Vision

Our VISION is to provide a rich curriculum that meets the needs of all students in a supportive and genuinely inclusive environment. The school seeks to develop motivated, creative and independent learners who demonstrate strong social values and whose leadership, confidence, resilience and self-esteem is evident when interacting with the school and the wider community.


School Values

We believe the following values are central to our school:

Expectations: Red Cliffs Primary School recognises that high expectations of the whole school community are crucial for educational and personal achievement. Our community understands that high expectations for academic achievement and behaviour are intrinsically linked and equally important.

Honesty: The school community understands that honesty underpins all relationships. We strive to ensure that honesty is genuinely reflected in all communication and relationships.

Truthfulness and open communication is expected at all times.

Respect: At Red Cliffs Primary School our teachers, students and parents are expected to model respect for all. Recognising and accepting the differences, weaknesses and strengths of others is a shared responsibility.

Responsibility: Red Cliffs Primary School recognises that students, staff and parents/carers have joint responsibility to ensure on-going learning for all. Our educational community supports each other as we strive to reach our individual and collective goals.

Students are encouraged to "Do Better Today than Yesterday", take pride in their work, show respect for fellow students, staff and parents and develop self-discipline practices which foster self-esteem, self-confidence and tolerance.