Complete High School Diploma Interest Form

Interest Form

Unfortunately, registration for high school diploma classes is closed for the school year.

  • Welcome! Please complete the interest form for the 2022-23 school year.

  • Registration for High School Diploma classes is closed for this school year. Please complete the interest form so we know you'd like to attend our school in the fall of 2022.

  • To submit the form, you will need to complete all required questions. It is VERY important you include a working phone number and a good e-mail address that you check regularly. Most communication will be by e-mail.

  • Once registration is open, the school will email you a link to register. Registrations are processed as first come first served, so it is important you complete the registration as soon as you can. We are excited for you to attend our school!

  • If you are unable to complete the online form, please call the school (302.651.2709) to request an appointment for assistance.