Meet & Jamboard

DL - Google Meet for Synchronous Learning with Jamboard - Vicki

Jamboard Info, Resources & Templates

Google Meet - Updates from Google and Tips for Use

February/March 2021: Meeting hosts in Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals and Education Plus domains can now mute everyone all at once in Google Meet.

The meeting host is the only user in a meeting who can use the “mute all” feature. Once all participants are muted, the meeting host cannot unmute them. However, users will be able to unmute themselves as needed.

The mute all feature will only be available for hosts who are joining from a desktop browser, but will be launching on other platforms in the coming months.

Breakout Rooms in Google Meet are only available to Enterprise for Education domains.

"With this highly-requested feature, educators can offer increased engagement in their classes by splitting students up for simultaneous small group discussions or working time. Moderators can also jump between breakout rooms to monitor and participate in discussions."

Other options for creating breakout rooms and suggestions from Trainers

Note that there's also an extension in the Chrome Web Store.
Copy of Meet Break-out Room Template

Fall 2020 New Google Meet Features for All Users

Don't forget to subscribe to Bill's channel on YouTube!

For clarification, opening a Jamboard whiteboard through Meet simply opens a fresh Jamboard and drops a link directly in the chat to get everyone in the same place, but if you have Jams already created in your Drive, you can select those just as easily as creating a new one.

Ways to share a Jamboard with students:

  • Present your screen and use the whiteboard features without giving your students control

  • Open link editing on a Jam and let everyone collaborate or use as you would a SMARTboard in the your in-person classes (students can be assigned to actions or group collabs)

  • Send a copy of a Jam to every student by pulling it into a Classroom assignment directly from Drive