Distance Resources


These are shared resources from around the web. Please be respectful of intellectual property.

Resource Hubs:

Help Has Arrived ... (comprehensive distance learning list)

Online Skills Tutorials - Comprehensive List

Teaching Digitally - A free resource guide to help any K-12 educator by Nadine Gilkison

Learn how easily you can record lessons and more!


Terrific tool for educators to facilitate video-based discussions and more! Check out these creative examples from Sadie: https://flipgrid.com/+sonntag9960 & https://flipgrid.com/+sonntag4213

Article: 20 Apps that Work with Flipgrid


Fully developed and adaptable video-based lesson plans from Grow with Google!

YouTube playlist of Google Meet tutorials and tips

Tour MUSEUM OF THE WORLD artifacts from The British Museum and Google Cultural Institute!

Tips for Wearing Masks at School

Below is a folder of resources shared through Facebook groups, Trainer groups, EdTechTeam presenters, and other people I know. I hope you find something useful!

google_terms_glossary (1).pdf

More Useful Resources

Tips for taking attendance in Google Classroom:

Make PDFs into fillable worksheets in Slides:

My tip: I prefer to use a pre-formatted text placeholder over a manually created text boxes. More info on this page.

How to create Appointment Slots in Google Calendars:

Edpuzzle tutorial:

EdPuzzle Tutorial.mp4

Topics to know for distance learning:

  • Split screens or toggle tabs

  • Understand SAMR

  • Setting up Drive and Classroom

  • Using web-based "living" documents

  • Communication through Classroom (integrated Meets)

  • Google Meet for virtual sessions (Attendance extension & recording meetings)

  • Google Slides (publish to web for teacher presentations)

  • Google Forms for quizzes & data collection

  • Screencasting is unbelievably easy!

My presentation on Google Meet - Intermediate