
The following section contains research conducted by HomeSounds creator Martin Scaiff that relates either directly or indirectly to the core aims and themes of HomeSounds, and that has served the wider development of the project. 

A Right To Musical Identity - Article - Martin Scaiff.pdf

A Right To Musical Identity: Exploring attachment and music advocacy in support of the placement stability of cared for young people. 

A Right To Musical Identity - Pilot Study - Martin Scaiff.pdf

A Right To Musical Identity:
Pilot Study
Exploring identities, attachment and advocacy through music in support of the placement stability of cared for young people.

Democratic Music Education - Principles and Practice Explored at Summerhill School - Martin Scaiff.pdf

Democratic Music Education: Principles, Policy And Practice Explored At Summerhill School

Democracy and Music Education - Playing with Power and Identity - Martin Scaiff.pdf

Democracy & Music Education:
Playing With Power And Identity 

The Need for Spontaneous Professionalism - Martin Scaiff.pdf

The Need For Spontaneous Professionalism:
Strengthening Community Music Education Through Improvised Professional Identities