Welcome to the REAP room!

REAP is here to help you reach your goals, solve problems, and have fun!
We will do five main things this year:
  1. Help if you are having trouble focusing in class, are having an issue with a friend or family member you want to problem solve, or just want some 1:1 chatting time!
  2. Be in your morning meeting each week :)
  3. Provide non academic activities, like "REAPcess" to connect with other students in different classes
  4. Have weekly "Leadership" program for 4th-6th graders
  5. Connect with families and provide additional resources

Sometimes your teacher will let us know that they think REAP could help you, but you can check in with your teacher if you want more support from us.

-To join REAPcess, have a parent/guardian help you fill out THIS FORM.

-To join Taste the Rainbow, have a parent/guardian help you fill out THIS FORM.

-To have 1:1 meetings (Mindful Moments) or join Leadership (Solutions) with REAP, check in with us or your teacher, and click HERE first to enroll in REAP programming. You'll need a parent/guardian to help you fill out the form :)

Oliver Elementary Interactive Page
Oliver Solutions
Oliver Schedule