Water Usage

Water Usage

Driving Question: How can we Expand Perspectives on Climate Action?

Learning goal: To understand the text better by getting glasses and practice my reading.

1 2 3 4 5

I only gave myself a 4 because I didn't get glasses. I improved my reading this term by reading books and articles.

The Product

The Process


This was one of my favourite parts of the process because we were learning a lot about water usage which l really liked.


Here we were reading articles and making research pages. I didn't really like it because I don't like reading a lot.


I loved to make the complex infographic because we could add some of our creativity.

My drawing skills and not starting with a pen were my individual feedback to improve my simple infographic.

Comic Book Strip

Making the comic book strip was a lot of work but I loved to draw the small pictures.


I liked this task because I love writing. Here is my first and third draft for my introduction. After writing these by hand we digitized them for the posters and for the website.


This was my absolute favorite part of this project. I was sticking, cutting, moving around the paper and a lot more.

Favourite Moments



New Books

Christmas Anticipation