Save Animals with a Voice


  • Created by Noa, an 11 year-old animal lover

  • she also loves the sea and she is also very creative

  • Main message: Animals are the same as humans, there's no difference - they both sleep, eat, drink and feel

  • Medium: Colored Pencil on A3 Paper

this is my project

My project is a poster about animals. If you are wondering why I did a poster instead of a t-shirt or a sticker - I made a poster so I can show that art is another why of helping the animals.

Why should you care?

animals are similar to humans

Did you know that monkeys can perform mental addition in a manner remarkably similar to college students, a new study shows.

dogs and people are connected

Did you know dogs especially have genes that are very similar to humans and they pick and choose their social groups according to a specific preference.

incredible fact of mice and others

Humans have very similar facial expressions to mice, in a recent study it was found that mice make the same expression as humans when in pain.

Why are animals important to me?

Animals are important to me because is terrible that animals are getting extinct and no one cares and I want to help them, and with your help it could work.

First steps

First I drew little bits of animals and colored them.

Here are some parts I drew

I started drawing on a small scale and then finishing the top part.

Here you can see how I did the process.

Second step

After finishing drawing small

bits of animals I decided to color the top part.

thing that help animals and earth

things that help,picking up trash and making the air cleaner,

and see things more clear

to make the world more green.

use full things,recycling is also a help full thing to do .

There is a website were they give you money for

recycling plastic bottles, and bags there website is called

recycle bank.

thank you for talking the time

and seeing my website.

save the animals like me because were all

the same