The RMS Student Council
The Student Council at Readington Middle School is a yearlong commitment to improve the school community and the community at large through many forms of service and fundraising.
The StuCo Advisors
Mr. Brian O'Neil
Mrs. Jennifer Heller
Interested in becoming a member of Student Council?
Click both links to the left to fill out the application and the club permission slip.
To fill out both forms:
You can follow the links and print out the documents, fill them out, and then hand them to Mr. O'Neil or Mrs. Heller.
Or, you can open the documents using Kami, fill them out in Kami, and then print or share the document with Mr. O'Neil or Mrs. Heller.
The deadline to hand in your application and permission slip is September 23rd- no late applications will be accepted.
(You can also find the application under the executive board tab at the top of the site)
Need Reminders For Upcoming RMS Spirit Days and/or Events?
Members of the RMS Community are encouraged to sign up for the RMSspirit2022 Remind to receive text messages about upcoming events, fundraisers, and spirit days hosted by the RMS Student Council!
Text @3gff6d7 to the number 81010 to sign up!
The New Jersey Association of Student Councils
The RMS Student Council is a proud member of the NJASC!
Congratulations to the RMS Student Council for receiving the 2021 Honor School Award from the New Jersey Association of Student Councils! This award recognizes the accumulated years that a New Jersey school follows criteria recognized by NJASC as being important for developing and maintaining a successful Student Council program. This is the fourth year the RMS Student Council has won this award. Go Vikings!