My Future Pathway

Thinking of leaving school and looking for help with next steps?

Interested in learning more about what particular roles and jobs look like?

Click on the links to the side!

The next steps: choosing what you want to do

Are you thinking about leaving school and looking for help in applying and securing employment, college or an apprenticeship?

Leaving school can be a huge transition for young people. Some of your friends might be going to college or straight into employment and you are thinking of doing something completely different. It could be that family might have an opinion on what you should be doing after school. The opinions you're offered will be varied and potentially confusing but always remember it's your choice.

Some people know exactly what path they want to take, but others might take a bit more time to decide. My Future Pathway is set out to support your journey, whatever that may look like. The website will be updated frequently to support the 'latest' offers available.

Try clicking on links within the body of texts that are underlined or bold - these will take you to websites or pages with further helpful information (Further Education, Employment , Modern Apprenticeship, Top Tips from Industry)

What further support is available and who can help you?

Teachers - just because you're not in class doesn't mean you can't ask your teacher for help or advice.

SDS Careers Adviser - if your Careers Adviser has not got in touch with you yet and you would like to speak to them, either speak to your school or call 0141 849 0942 to set up an appointment.

Invest In Renfrewshire - a dedicated member of the team will be there to support you with employability opportunities, training or online qualifications - either visit their Facebook page or call them on 0300 300 1180.

Developing the Young Workforce West - the DYW team can help support you with applications, careers advise or even fine tuning your CV!

There are many services and organisations who are wiling to help, all you need to do is ask!