English Language Arts


All stories, quizzes, and worksheets for our Journey's books can be found online here. Please login, as per usual. Remember to fill in the drop-down menus with the state, district, and school before using your login information.


Often you'll find great reading passages from many different content areas here. Teachers may even assign some options through their Google Classroom that they may find helpful for your student.


McConnell Class Code:
Miller Class Code: ywl3075


Find some fun online mad libs for kids here.


Just like Netflix for your favorite stories.


Check out what Scholastic has set up for you at home.


This is a perfect time for your inner-author to come out! Keep a journal of what life is like during this historic moment in your life.


Listen to some of your favorite stories here.

Reading/Phonics Practice

Cravens Code: 143
McConnell Code: 176
Miller Code: 165
Williams Code: 154