Penrose Elementary Music

New books read/sung will be posted often! Keep checking back!

What a Wonderful World

Click the document above to access the lyric book for "What a Wonderful World." If you don't want to print it, just draw pictures on blank paper and send me a picture of your artwork if you want me to put it on our website!

*To gain access to my google docs, just request and I'll respond ASAP!*

Dear Students,

First of all, I really miss you! I hope each one of you is healthy and happy. It looks like we are going to have a few weeks of music class online in order to keep us and our families safe. I just want you to have fun. Feel free to watch the videos I post and participate in our virtual class as much as you'd like to. I will keep this site updated weekly!

Kindergarten-2nd grades: Visit the K-2 tab for some listening activities you can do from home! I'll also post some videos of me singing you books (along with Mr. Owl, of course)! You will be able to find your classwork here.

3rd-5th Grades: I'll have some weekly activities and lessons you can choose from on your 3-5 page. For those of you who were able to bring your recorders home with you, feel free to send me videos of you playing the recorder, and I'll let you know if you've passed your belt tests. You can find your classwork here.

6th grade: Feel free to participate in any activity I have posted for the 3rd-5th grades... And just keep singing! Sing along with the radio, sing along with your favorite Disney movies, and sing to your parents. I can't wait to get back to school and put the finishing touches on "This is a Test."

I am still trying to master this site and have had a hard time figuring out how to share some documents with you. If you can't access anything in my site, please request access to my Google Drive and I'll respond ASAP!

I also make a great pen-pal and I'd love to respond to any letters you feel like writing to me! Just email me for my mailing address: If you don't want to send snail mail, you can also email me and I will email you back!


Mrs. Hagemann