Welcome to 5SH
Friday, May 24 - Make sure your Affix presentation is ready to share on Monday. Please send your baby picture to Mrs. Smith if you haven’t already done so.
Monday, May 27 -
Tuesday, May 28 -
Wednesday, May 29 -
Thursday, May 30 -
Friday, May 31 -
Important Dates for Grade 5
PBL " Why did my family/ancestors move to Canada?" -
The support that the students have received from their families regarding the immigration interviews has been appreciated. Grade 5 students will create a slideshow about the history of their family and what push and pull factors brought them to Canada. We will be working on this project everyday for the next 3-4 weeks and will culminate with a celebration evening where parents and families will be invited to the school and students will showcase their learning. Our parent night date and time are TBD and will be shared with you once they are finalized.
Grade 5 Camp - June 18
Save the date for June 18 for grade 5 camp. Students will be spending a day at Pioneer Ranch, more details will be shared closer to the date. If you are interested in volunteering for this full day field trip please let me know and I will make sure that we have your criminal record check on file at the office. Once that detail is confirmed, we will add you to the list of volunteers. Parent volunteers will receive more information closer to the date.
Grade 6 Orientation - June 19
The grade 5 classes will visit their designated middle schools on June 19th. They will travel by bus and spend approximately 2 hours touring and learning about their new school for next year.
Grade 5 Farewell - June 27
Please save the date for the morning of June 27th, as we will be saying farewell to the grade 5's with a short ceremony. Please send in a baby photo of your child (via email to janis.smith@rdpsd.ab.ca) for the slideshow that will be shown at the farewell.
BW Calendar
Volunteer Opportunities
We look forward to welcoming volunteers back into our school.