Class Info

Bell Times

Morning Entry: 8:53 am

Lunch - 11:55 - 12:15

Lunch Recess - 12:15 - 12:35

Dismissal - 3:30

Water Bottles

Your child is encouraged to bring a water bottle to school. It is important to their learning to stay well hydrated during the day. Please clearly label your child's water bottle so we can send it home to be washed!


Birthdays are an exciting time of year for your child. Please feel free to send a nut free birthday treat to school with them if you wish to do so.


Snacks and Lunches:

Students get a snack break in the morning at 10:20. We have no microwave in our class this year so please ensure you send food that does not require to be heated. We are also encouraging students to practice environmental stewardship this means using reusable containers and cutlery to reduce our waste as school.  We are a nut free school.