
IXL Skills Covered/To Work On At Home

Place values and number sense

  1. A.1Place value
  2. A.2Convert between place values
  3. A.3Compare numbers up to millions
  4. A.4Word names for numbers
  5. A.5Roman numerals
  6. A.6Rounding
  7. A.7Even or odd: arithmetic rules

Addition and subtraction

  1. B.1Add and subtract whole numbers up to millions
  2. B.2Add and subtract whole numbers: word problems
  3. B.3Complete addition and subtraction sentences
  4. B.4Fill in the missing digits
  5. B.5Choose numbers with a particular sum or difference
  6. B.6Properties of addition
  7. B.8Estimate sums and differences of whole numbers
  8. B.9Estimate sums and differences: word problems


  1. C.1Multiply by one-digit numbers
  2. C.2Multiply by one-digit numbers: word problems
  3. C.3Multiplication patterns over increasing place values
  4. C.4Multiply numbers ending in zeroes
  5. C.5Multiply numbers ending in zeroes: word problems
  6. C.6Properties of multiplication
  7. C.11Lattice multiplication
  8. C.12Multiply by 2-digit numbers: complete the missing steps


  1. D.1 Division facts to 12
  2. D.2 Division facts to 12: word problems
  3. D.3 Divide by one-digit numbers
  4. D.4 Divide by one-digit numbers: word problems
  5. D.5 Divide by one-digit numbers: interpret remainders
  6. D.6 Estimate quotients
  7. D.7 Estimate quotients: word problems

Variable expressions

  1. R.1Write variable expressions
  2. R.2Write variable expressions: word problems
  3. R.3Evaluate variable expressions
  4. R.4Write variable equations: word problems
  5. R.5Solve equations with whole numbers
  6. R.6Find a value using two-variable

Problem solving

  1. O.1Multi-step word problems
  2. O.2Word problems with extra or missing information

Patterns and sequences

  1. P.1Find the next shape in a repeating pattern
  2. P.2Complete a repeating pattern
  3. P.3Make a repeating pattern
  4. P.4Find the next row in a growing pattern of shapes
  5. P.5Complete an increasing number sequence
  6. P.6Complete a geometric number sequence

Geometric measurement

  1. Z.1 Perimeter with whole number side lengths
  2. Z.2 Perimeter with decimal side lengths
  3. Z.3 Area of squares and rectangles
  4. Z.4 Area and perimeter of figures on grids
  5. Z.6 Volume of rectangular prisms made of unit cubes
  6. Z.7 Volume of irregular figures made of unit cubes
  7. Z.8 Volume of cubes and rectangular prisms