Class Info


If you ever need to contact me please email: 

The home page of this website will be updated monthly. 

Student Information Form

Please fill out the form to the right at your earliest convenience. Your insight is very valuable, as you know your child best! Thank you.


I have created a teaching Instagram account. The account name is @iteachfun

I would love to share updates of our learning and to celebrate our successes throughout the school year. This page will allow you the opportunity to see what we are doing inside the classroom and around the school. It is a public account. I do not post any names on the account. Please fill out the form to the right letting me know if you give permission or not for photos to be posted of your child on Instagram? 

PG Movies

We will be watching movies occasionally when they line up with our curriculum or as a reward. Lots of the animated movies are PG and we require permission to play them. Please let me know if your child has permission to watch PG movies. I will let you know through the year when and what we will be watching. Please fill out the form to the right letting me know if your child has permission to watch PG movies. 

Le Frigo

We have a section of whiteboard that is called "the fridge". It is for family photos, drawings, projects, etc. that the students are proud of and would like to display. If you would like, your child can bring a couple of photos to school that they would like to put up.

Absences and Lates

If your child is going to be away from school for any reason, please let us know. You can either call the office or send me an email. If you have not confirmed in advance why your child is absent, the office will call you to make sure your child is safe with you. Class begins at 9:00 in the morning and 12:55 in the afternoon. Your child will be marked absent, or late if they are not in class at these times. 


Homework will be kept to a minimum in our class. We hope you spend your evenings enjoying being together as family- eating dinner together, playing games, being active- or whatever else your family enjoys doing together! 

Home Reading

Reading at home is the most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. It is expected that students read at home every night. The recommended time is 20 minutes - but any reading is better than no reading. 

Books read at home should not be tricky. This should be a time of practice and enjoyment. The 20 minutes should involve your child either reading to themselves, reading aloud to you, or a combination of both. Reading aloud is very beneficial because it allows them to practice pronunciation and fluency. It also allows you to hear how they are doing, and makes it easy to ask questions to check for comprehension. Asking questions and discussing the books your child reads helps them develop, and build their reading strategies. Reading aloud to your child is also very important. This helps foster a love of reading and books. 


Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle into the classroom.  Please send water in a closeable, reasonably-sized bottle labeled with your child's name. We have a sink in the classroom for refills.                                                          

Snacks and Lunches

Healthy kids learn better! Please take into consideration packing healthy choices for your child to eat at school. These keep kid's tummies full, which allows their brains to stay focused. A big healthy breakfast is also essential, as well as ensuring they get a good night's sleep. Please make sure your child has the utensils they need. Students will not have access to microwaves. 

*We are a peanut-free school. 

Library Books 

We will visit the library once a week. Students are allowed to take out 2 books. Students are responsible for taking care of the book and ensuring it gets returned the following week. If books are not returned, students will not be allowed to take out new books until the book is found, or the lost-book fee is paid. 

Our Library Day is: Wednesdays