LLI (Leveled Literacy Intervention)

Mrs. Levy teaches Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) classes for students to accelerate their learning. The program is authored by two esteemed educators, Irene Fountas and Gay Sue Pinnell. It includes leveled books and materials, as well as, an approach to teaching reading.

The groups are small-- generally 3 or 4 students, allowing for individual attention. The books are engaging and children enjoy them. They present a variety of genres in both fiction and nonfiction. Lessons include phonics/word work, reading, discussion and writing. These different aspects of literacy support each other.

LLI lessons are provided as a "double dose," in addition to guided reading instruction in the classroom. This gives students the reinforcement they need and the opportunity to advance quickly. Within 18-24 weeks of instruction, students typically catch up to their peers at grade level.

Most importantly, as Mrs. Levy's students read, they enjoy learning new things and discussing new ideas.