About Me

Hi! My name is Amanda Morgan. It's nice to meet you!

Outside of school, my family keeps me busy! My husband, Mr. Morgan, is a middle school math teacher. Together we have two kids: a 6 year old named Amelia and a 4 year old named James. We live on 12 acres outside of Lincoln. Although we don't have any pets, we share our space with skunks, foxes, coyotes, raccoons, squirrels, lizards, mice, and ants.

My family at the Salt Flats in Utah (right)

Cooling off at a creek in Lincoln (below left)

Spending the afternoon on the beach at Lake Tahoe (below middle)

The kids tried Top Golf! (below right)

I was born and raised in a small, coastal, Northern California town named Eureka. I lived there until Mr. Morgan and I moved to Roseville in 2005.

I attended Humboldt State University, where I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and received my Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential. Go Lumberjacks!

My first teaching job was at Diamond Creek Elementary School, where I taught 5th grade for 5 years. I moved to Chilton in 2012 when it first opened. I taught 5th grade the first year, then moved up to 6th grade math and science. Now I'm back to my 5th grade roots at Fiddyment Farm.

When I was in 5th grade, I went to Lafayette Elementary School. My teacher's name was Mr. Pitre. I remember doing lots of cool social studies projects and reading some great books! I also joined band and learned how to play the flute.

The 2020-2021 school year will be my 14th year teaching!

The best vacation I have taken was with Mr. Morgan to Bora Bora and Moorea. They are islands near Tahiti. We went there to celebrate our 10 year anniversary! The water is so clear, the views are beautiful, and the pineapple is amazing.