Senior Information

Class of 2022 - Congratulations on YOUR senior year!!!

A message for our Senior Families:

This is an exciting time for your family and we hope to have a safe fun year that still has all the feels of a great senior year!!!! It is a great accomplishment and a time to celebrate!! (not too much - we need to still work hard too! )

We will post updates for seniors with important information in the Google Class of 2022 and always feel free to reach out to the senior counselor - Kristine Resch at


  • Apply to school through the common app or directly to school (ie. MCC, etc.)

  • Requests letter of rec with teachers and send a naviance link

  • Submit transcript request form to Ms. Resch (during COVID19 an email will suffice)

  • Order SAT's from collegeboard to send to colleges you are applying

  • Complete you FAFSA and TAP

  • Research scholarships and check with your colleges to see what they offer - the biggest $$ comes from the schools you are applying to!!

DON'T FORGET TO USE YOUR GOOGLE CLASSROOM FOR THE POWERPOINT - RESCH - everything you need to know about college PowerPoint!

Seniors who are not planning on attending college, please make sure you set an appointment to make sure we have a plan and you have visited career fairs, certificate program, met with military, or connected with workers unions.

All students will be supported through the college application process and financial aid and scholarships through the Capstone 2 course . Please note there are many websites out there that are helpful in guiding families through the college application process. If you would like to join your child in searching and exploring online please feel free BUT you should NEVER pay for any services to support with this process. If you or your child have any questions please feel free to contact Mrs. Resch with specific questions!