Books Clubs you have with friends are fun, aren't they? We want to read cool books and have a good time learning with all of our colleagues from around RCSD!

White Fragility

For successful completion of this Book Club PD, we are asking you to:

  • Read the book.
  • Participate in one discussion board of your choosing per module. You must engage/participate on at least 2 different dates, if not more. This is our best attempt to facilitate discussion.

Let's make our Book Club fun!

We want these discussions to be engaging! We do not all have to post our thoughts in written form alone. That could get tedious quickly and we definitely do not want that. Who said learning has to boring? There are many ways to reflect and show your thinking/learning- write, create, draw, video, etc.

Please make sure you read through some of our extension ideas. This is in no way an exhaustive list. Have other ideas? Please go for it! We will add ideas to this list as we find them.

Our hope is not only to make our Book Club discussions more interesting for everyone, but also to give you some ideas you can use in your own practice.

RCSD Reads Extension ideas
RCSD Reads Discussion Expectations & Etiquette

Discussion Expectations Etiquette

We all want to enjoy learning, but just like with our schools and classrooms, there must be some basic goals, expectations and ground rules.