Students Resources


Username: Last 6 digits of ID #

Password: Lowercase First initial of first name, Lowercase first initial of last name, four digit year of birth

EX. Frederick Douglass born in 1818 would have the password fd1818

Username: ultimos 6 digitos de # de identificacion

Password: primer inicial del primer nombre en letra minuscula, primer inicial del ultimo nombre en letra minuscula, y los cuatro digitos del ano de nacimiento

Ejemple del Password: Frederick Douglass, nacio en 1818...seria fd1818

Regents Prep

Need help studying for that upcoming exam? Find old exams to practice from here.

Subjects to study include -- Math A, Math B, Algebra, Geometry, Algebra2/Trig, Global History, U.S. History, Earth Science, Living Environment, Chemistry, Physics, English Exam, and Study Strategies.

Castle Learning

Available for both middle and high school students. Ask your librarian or teacher for your user name and password.


Practice Math and ELA by grade level. When you click on the course, the site will break down each topic covered in the course to give you extra practice. Great resource to use when studying for an upcoming exam!


Another great resource to study from when practicing for upcoming NYS Regents exams. You can build worksheets to practice from and look at old Regents exams.