Alice is a curious young girl who follows a rabbit down a hole. She finds herself in a world full of strange characters and new adventures.

The White Rabbit always seems to be late. He is the character that Alice follows into the world of Wonderland.

Alice meets The March Hare and the Mad Hatter at a Tea Party. The Mad Hatter speaks in riddles and is continually stuck at 6:00 (tea time) because he argued with Time. They, along with the Dormouse, sit around all day drinking tea and telling stories.

The Cheshire Cat sits in a tree and can vanish and reappear at will. He can even vanish slowly beginning with his tail and ending with his grin!

The Queen of Hearts is the ruler of Wonderland along with the King. She and her subjects are based on a deck of cards. The Queen likes shouting, "Off with their heads!" She plays Croquet using flamingoes as mallets and hedgehogs as balls.