
The lectures in INTPART School 2023 will be given by

- Y. Utsuno (JAEA/CNS,U.Tokyo): Shell Model

- T. Otsuka (RIKEN/CNS,U.Tokyo): New Aspects of Nuclear Structure

- M.H. Harakeh (KVI): Giant Resonances

- D. Suzuki (RIKEN): Unstable Nuclei

in addition to shorter lectures by other professors. 

Hands-on practices are planned for

- Shell Model Calculation

- (TBA).

Schedule Overview:

INTPART School 2023

Monday-Friday: Lectures (morning) / Hands-on etc. (afternoon)

Monday, February 20th, evening: Welcome party

Saturday, February 25th: tour (tentative)

Friday, March 3rd, evening: Closing Party

3rd PANDORA Workshop

March 5(Sun.)-7.(Tue.) PANDORA W.S.

Sunday, March 5th, evening: PANDORA W.S. Banquet

A detailed program is under preparation. The latest program will be updated in Indico page