International SAT Dates

Test Date

24 August 2024

5 October 2024

2 November 2024

7 December 2024

8 March 2025

3 May 2025

7 June 2025

Registration Deadline

9 August  2024

20 September 2024

18 October 2024

22 November 2024

21 February 2025

18 April 2025

22 May 2025

SAT Registration:


Does Renaissance College provided any test prep for the SAT? – As these exams are external exams, Renaissance College does not provide any test preparation but we do have a few test prep books that can be borrowed in the FE office.

What about external providers for SATs?  – There are many external providers in HK and it is, again, really a matter of personal choice.  The College Board, however, has recognized that the cost of sitting these prep classes is sometimes exorbitant and have teamed up with Khan Academy to give FREE online test prep…this online site is working together with College Board and should, therefore, have all up-to-date information on questions. formats etc.

When can we expect the results?  – There is no deadline given to us but, from past experience, it can take up to 3-4 weeks

ACT International Registration

Test Date

14 September 2024

26 October 2024

14 December 2024

8 February 2025

5 April  2025

14 June 2025

12 July 2025

Registration Deadline

9 August 2024

20 September 2024

8 November 2024

3 January 2025

28 February 2025

9 May 2025

6  June 2025

ACT Registration –


What is the ACT? –   The ACT is one of two standardized test that is accepted by ALL US universities that require a standardized test as an entry requirement.   (the other standardized test is the SAT)

Are SATs more accepted at US Universities than ACTs?  – No, they are equally accepted and in 2011 the number of test takers for the ACT overtook those of the SAT.

Why is the SAT a more recognizable ‘brand’ than the ACT? – The College Board, which administers the SAT, has done a remarkable marketing job in Hong Kong!

Why should I take the ACT over the SAT or vice versa? – The ACTs popularity has risen mainly because a large number of students find the question format much more straight forward and, therefore, score higher grades BUT the number of questions and the time limitations are quite challenging!  It is well worth the effort to find out which test would suit you better in terms of results.

How do I know which one will suit me?  – Many external providers offer sample tests or, better yet, try some of the free practice tests available online and decide which one you are better suited to.


Who should sign-up for the PSATs? – Any Year 11 student who is planning further studies in the US should sign-up  for this ‘taster test’ as this is one of two standardized tests that is an entry requirement for many universities.  (The other standardized test is the ACT – see below) .

Any Year 12 student who is a US citizen and would like to be considered for the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) should also sign-up for the October 2019 PSAT

Should Year 10s sit the PSATs in October 2019?  – This is purely a personal decision.  Sitting the PSATs  will still give valuable exam practice to students who have never sat a formal exam before or been under time constraints to answer a vast number of multiple-choice questions.

Do you require any external test prep for the PSATs? – No you do not.  A booklet will be given out to all students once payments have been deducted (in September/October 2019)- this booklet will give sample questions and will also have a full prep-test in it,  All students are encouraged to sit this pre-test at home as their own preparation for the PSAT.