Can I buddy up?

Of course you can! If you have a common time AND have a similar goal, we can work with you both simultaneously!

Can my department, team, or grade level work together?

Yeah! We are happy to provide PD to your department, team, or grade level.  In fact, we encourage it!  Let's meet up to learn a new tech tool, brainstorm solutions to common challenges, discuss effective teaching strategies, learn to implement participation techniques, etc. 

Can I connect this to my evaluation?

Absolutely!  We can set goals around your professional growth goal or the evaluation rubric. 

Does my goal have to be "tech" related?

No!  We can look at current challenges in your classroom and create any goal towards student growth and performance. If tech fits in, great!  If not, that's is okay too!  

Won't this be more work for me?

No way!  Our goal is NOT to create extra work for you.  We are here to help you create lessons, units, and projects with the help of extra brain power and hands!

What do I get out of this?

We strive to make your experience as rewarding for you as it will be for your students.  We are here to make it easier for you to meet the needs of your students.  We think that we will also have a lot of fun in the process! 🎉