English 1-CP

About English 1

The English 1 course is a survey course which touches on many different genres throughout the year. In this course we study poetry, plays, novels - both classic literature as well as young adult fiction, and non-fiction pieces. We also practice grammar skills, learn new vocabulary, and complete a variety of writing assignments. Students have the opportunity to opt into an Honors curriculum within my classroom. Once pursuing the Honors track, students will have additional assignments and leadership activities to complete. All my assessments are differentiated to reflect individual levels; however, Honors students will always get the most challenging assignments. Any students who complete the Honors curriculum will earn a weighted score in this class. Transcripts will also reflect whether or not students were in the Honors or College-Prep level. See the Honors tab for more information.


All homework will be given in class, and students are expected to maintain a planner where they can write down this homework. More in-depth assignments and assignments that carry more weight such as essays, tests, projects, etc. will be posted on my Google Classroom page.