Interdisciplinary Computer Science Resources


Lesson 1: Patterns & Representations

Lesson 2: ASCII & Binary Numbers

Lesson 4: Representing Images on a Computer

Lesson 5: Representing Numbers in the Computer

Lesson 6: Keeping Data Secret

Lesson 7: Combining Representations

Lesson 8: Create a Digital Representation

Lesson 10: Problem Solving with Big Data

Computer Science Discoveries Unit (

Unit overview & implementation in the classroom



Students can work to help identify what makes a strong password. The website hyperlinked in this Google Doc provides additional information regarding cybersecurity risks.

Social Studies

Timeline of Events leading up to the American Revolutionary War

Students will create an interactive timeline about the events leading up to the Revolutionary War.

3D Totem Pole Project: Native American Project (North West Culture Area)

Students will design and 3D personal totem pole using Tinkercad.

The American Civil War

Students will create a website about various topics about the Civil War including primary sources.

George Washington

Students will create a blabberize about President George Washington's accomplishments.

Revolutionary War Battle Project

Students will recreate a Revolutionary War battle using 3D creation website (Cospaces)

ENL Thematic Units

CS Activities

These activities are geared for English language learners.  The activities were created as an extension for thematic units in the ENL program. Includes the following lessons as well as a number of additional resources.

Lesson in Digital Citizenship (4-6.DL.7)

Digital Footprint Activity (4-6.DL.6-7)

Practice Typing (4-6.DL.1)

It's Okay to Tell (4-6.DL.7)

Computational Thinking

Introduction to Coding


LightBot Code Hour

Looking to help students get into the mindset of coding? The LightBot app helps students to think in a logical order when programing their robot to solve various levels. This Google Doc highlights instructional strategies with app and areas to highlight for students throughout a lesson.

CodeHS (Subscription-based)

Unit overview & implementation in the classroom

Students learn to develop a basic understanding of coding using Python. CodeHS offers a wide variety of lessons and resources to help students explore coding with Python. This Google Doc provides and overview of the program and provides areas to highlight during instruction.

Digital Literacy

Digital Footprint (DL.7)

Students learn what a digital footprint is and create one of their own! 

My Digital Footprint - Lesson Link 

Student Page

Digital Footprint Exit Ticket


Common Sense Media 

ISTE - Digital Citizenship in Education 

Digital Citizenship - NYCDOE 

General Resources

Rules Activities

These are the activities including the resources and sites students use to do their research.

Rules Task Activities


Additional Links to CS Resources

Various Resources

Teaching London Computing

EdShelf - A PInterest-style site for CS Resources