"Alive, Once alive and never alive"

"Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated." - Rosalind Franklin

Learn and grow!

Simple introduction to the scientific approach of "Alive", once alive and never alive was learnt by Grade 1 learners and to show their understanding of the concept, enthusiastic learners drew the pictures of things which are alive, once alive and never alive .

GRADE 3 - math

"Multiplication wheel"

" For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." - Aristotle

Multiplication is one of the hardest math concepts for students to grasp, often requiring a frustrating amount of instruction and practice. Multiplication games are a great way to incorporate game-based learning into material, helping students understand their times, tables and multiplication lessons. Keeping this in mind enthusiastic learners of Grade 3 Assiduous made a Math project on a Multiplication wheel.

GRADE 6 - french

Learning French is not only about the language but also the French culture as a whole. As a part of their activity our grade 6 learners conducted their research on various French personalities from different walks of life like music , science , art and culture. This helped them expand their knowledge of French culture and civilization.

Joan of Arc by Rudra Rawat.pptx
Marie Curie Final.pptx

GRADE 7 - global perspectives

"Team Work"

Henry Ford once rightly said "If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself."

Our Grade 7 Global Perspectives learners had a session of some virtual team building exercise. They played Pictionary while they were divided in two teams. Each member drew the picture assigned to them and the other members tried to guess it correctly within a given time frame. The aim of this activity was to let the learners know that not everything is about winning or losing, sometimes you have to take some time out to just enjoy the small happiness that a team play can give us.

The word - "SUBWAY"

The word - "GARBAGE"


"Peer learning"

Students learn a great deal by explaining their ideas to others and by participating in activities in which they can learn from their peers. They develop skills in organizing and planning learning activities, working collaboratively with others, giving and receiving feedback, and evaluating their own learning.

Danil and Zorain team Jul 6, 2021 11_19 AM.webm
Alan , Samar Piyush team Jul 6, 2021 11_04 AM.webm

"Analysis of HUL's annual report"

The primary objective of financial statement analysis is to understand and diagnose the information contained in the financial statements with a view to judge the profitability and financial soundness of the firm and to make forecasts about the future prospects of the firm.

Skill focus- This activity covers assessment objective criteria i.e Knowledge, Application, Analysis.



"The Creative Process"

Description- The learner has used immersion and creative exploration which are both effective ways to ignite inspiration.

Focus- Understanding the creative process and practical techniques for generating & developing ideas.

Relevant clips -

Some clips in the making of background music for the ad plus a small recording

for editing of the video.

Digital Media & Design.pdf
Digital ad development 3.mp4
Digital logo development.mp4
Digital ad development 1.mp4
Final_Digital ad.mp4
Digital ad development 2.mp4


Anushree _Blog.docx.pdf

-"Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive!"